Bump on the head

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(Based off of life is strange:abridged by power pak, watch it like you won't regret it)

Max's P.O.V.

It's been a few months since I've moved back here and things have been going great, Chloe and me started out on a rough foot due to me not talking to her since we were 13. I guess I was kind of nervous about seeing her again due to the last time we saw each other. However, we have outcome our difficulties and moved forward. I even tried to get her to apply for a job, she laughed.

Victoria finally took the stick that was stuck up her ass and let me just say she is hilarious. We have a lot in common aside from our love for photography, we both love anime and video games. So sometimes we have video game battles or movie nights. I say that she has become one of my best friends...but I'm not letting her give me a makeover.

And Kate, the change from October to now is amazing, she has gotten much better from her depression and still has some hard times. Yet with her defense squad(me,chloe and Victoria) no one messes with our bun bun. We still have our tea dates with some guests sometimes.

I guess I might as well start with my story...

It all started on a nice December day, it wasn't snowing yet but it was cold enough for wearing coats and boots. Since Kate's attempted suicide there were more rules to ensure the safety of all Blackwell students. Mr. Jefferson was arrested for the creepy obsession of kidnapping and photographing teenage girls. Nathan snapped and told the police what Mr. Jefferson forced to do, he finally got the help he needed and was sent to live in a mental institution.

The curfew to be in dorms is 10 pm but on the weekends with parties it's pushed to 12. Security checks have been issued for vortex club parties, any student who maybe drank too much will be taken back to the dorm with an uber or one of their friends. Other than that, classes have been going good I can't wait until break starts so I can visit my parents back in Seattle.

Photography my last class of the day, I am excited because the last day before the weekend. I walk into the room, we got a new teacher and she is better than Jefferson. I sit in my usual seat in the back with Victoria, Taylor(she is cool with me), and Kate. They all say hey which I smile back waving.

"So girls...what is the plan for this weekend?" Victoria says.

"Visiting my parents...again" Taylor says rolling her eyes.

"Let's have another sleepover!" Kate answers excitedly.

"I honestly don't know...the usual I guess" I say shrugging.

Victoria groans. "You use that excuse every time Maxine, let's do something new" she quirks.

"I guess, but what do you got in mind Tori?" I ask while doodling on my paper waiting for class to start.

"Well I was think-" Victoria is cut off by a loud whistle which means class is about start. "We will discuss our plans after class" she mouths before paying attention to our photography teacher.

Mrs. Crumestine was a wonderful middle aged teacher who studied photography since she was about 12, she got famous when her picture of "a day out in the park" was discovered by a famous photography when she was just 22. 'Boy, I hope someday I can be like her'. Over the past few years she has been photographing in Spain and Italy but decided to take this teaching job. At the end of the new term, she's going to take the photography class for a trip in Spain to get a taste of what the real world of photography is like after college. Wowzer.

By the end of class,I'm nearly dozing off not because it's boring..because I spent last night over in Tori's room binge watching anime with her. Hehe, I rub the back of my neck thinking about the silly things that can happen at 2am. We got into a fight over cookies, next time I text my parents I'm going to ask for them two packets of cookies since Tori loves them so much.

The final bell rings signaling that class is over with, Taylor and Kate have to do things so we say our goodbyes. I promise that kate for a tea date tomorrow when I'm not so tired. I gather my things and notice a pair of eyes staring at me, Tori knows me so well to get me tense under her stare. "Hey, Tori ready to go?" I say trying to avoid her earlier question. I start walking past her feeling her stare follow me. "Oh alright! How about this I'll text you later?...I might nap for a few hours" I plead. Victoria lets me go but playfully warns me.

I laugh as I leave the room, I start walking down the hall towards the front of the school. Once I reach outside, I let a breathe I didn't know I held in. I continue walking when I spot Trevor and Justin. They are at their usually kickback spot with their skater friends. I walk towards them, they seem to notice them because they wave at me. "Hey Maximus prime!! Whats popping?" Trevor says with his slang lingo that I don't really get why he says that. I give my usual just chilling answer. I swear I'm still in the retro age.

I see Justin try to master a kick flip move on the skateboard and totally fail at it, with the skateboard hitting him in the balls. He is doubled over in pain on the ground. I cringe. Helping him up he mumbles "you don't know how painful that was" to me. He goes to sit down and curiosity gets the best of me, I walk towards his skateboard abandoned on the ground.

"Whoa, Max!!! I always thought you were retro but I didn't think you would have any interest in skateboarding" Trevor says.

I go to step on the skateboard, but first put down my camera bag. "Well haven't you heard? I've changed" I say while taking a few steps on the skateboard to get it going. I feel free and wild while feeling to breeze through my hair, I'm not mindful to where I'm skating because the next thing I know the skateboard wheel rides over a rock making me lose my balance. I brace myself for the impact. The last thing I heard is "Oh no Max!!" Before I hit my head and blackout.

Abridged Max P.O.V.

'Why the fuck am I laying on the floor and why is that skateboard weirdo looking at me?'

These fucking weirdos are looking at me as I'm laying on the ground looking up to the beaaauttifulll sky, it is a nice sunny day I do say so myself. Hmmm, I sit up looking around at my surroundings and see I'm at Blackwell school. I wonder if Mr. Jefferson is in class still, maybe I can use some tlc from him if you know what I mean. The skateboarding weirdos keep asking me questions like "oh my god, are you okay?" And "whoaa you took a whammie" like what the fuck is a whammie?.

I start getting annoyed with the questions and are about to tell them to screw off, when I see Vicky...ohhh Vicky is like my sorta kinda friend but enemy, I helped her when she got paint on her cashmere coat...my idea btw haha sucks for you not letting me in the dorms then I took a pic but she ransacked my room, I got her back for that. She hates it though when I call her Vicky. Ohh she's talking so I should probably listen. Emphasis on the probably.

"Oh my gosh Maxine, are you okay? I heard what happened like why would you skateboard in the first place anyways?" She goes on for another 10 minutes but I notice a pretty pretty butterfly so my eyes follow where it's going. Fingers snap in my face, I look up annoyed and it's Vicky again. I finally decided to speak because why not? "What the fuck do you want Vicky?" I speak as usual since we aren't really friends.

"Maxine, why are you calling me Vicky? And why are you talking in a welsh/Scottish accent?" Vicky says looking confused at me.

Abridged Max (finished) Where stories live. Discover now