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"3...2...1..." A siren went off. I grabbed her arm and ran. I found two bags on the ground. I made sure she was in front of me. I noticed the people behind us killing each other. An image from the 74th Hunger Games came into my mind. I remembered Rue and Katniss. We reached the woods. "Autumn!" She whispered. "Shh... we are going to wait for Atlas... everything will be okay, you're safe." I said as I picked up a knife from the ground. Atlas ran in our direction. We took a head start. "Let's go!" He yelled softly.

I tossed and turned in the twin sized bed that rested next to my sisters. I didn't  want to wake her up. It was nerve racking, waiting for the sun to show itself to start the new day. I didn't want there to be a new day because tomorrow morning would be the reaping in district 13.

Truth was I was scared to death. This was the 76th Hunger Games. There had been a rule change since last year. They put in your family's last name, and if they choose it you, your brother's and sister's have to play. Since President Snow fire bombed District 12, the miners have been living in our secret district. District 13, which was supposedly destroyed like 12, but discovered as a 'hiding place'  or a place where the reapings were forbiden, when Snow was murdered.

He was killed last year during the Quarter Quell by an uknown cerial killer, but I think it was President Heavensbee. Sadly, we have start the reapings this year.

As the hours went by, I could see the sun was slowly rising through the window. "I'm gonna go... to the hub, but I'll be back right after the first siren." Hunter wiped tears from her blue eyes and nodded. I quickly jumped up from the small bed and put my leather jacket on. I put some ripped jeans and boots on and rushed outside.

The air was cold. I was breathing heavily. you could see my breath linger in the air for a few seconds, then it was gone with the cool wind.

I knocked on Tucker Aldrich's door. He opened it slowly. "Practice?" I asked. He looked at me with a serious face. "Not for too long though. I need to spend time with my mom. Just incase." He said flashing me a weak smile. "It's just the flu, don't worry, she will get better." I tried. He nodded slowly, his smile growing. I liked Tucker as more than a friend and the feelings were mutual, but we weren't together.

Tucker looked at me for a long time. "Okay, let's go." He said as he put his coat on.

I couldn't promise anything. There aren't THAT many people in district 12 anymore, and it was up to me to comfort Gale and Prim. Peeta was the only one who would be calm on this day. I said goodbye to Gale and ran to Peeta's house, which was near mine. We both lived in the Victors Village. He lives in the house across the road. I knocked on the door. Peeta's father answered the door. "Hello Mr. Mellark, is Peeta ho-" I asked. "No! No he's not! He went into the woods to look for you two hours ago! He could be dead or hurt! I'm not going into the woods because I'm not familiar with these woods." He cut me off. I ran away without saying goodbye.

"Gale!" I screamed. Gale burst out of his house. "What is it?" He asked. "It's P- Peeta. He went into the forest looking for me two hours ago Gale. TWO. His dad thinks his dead or injured. Help me look for him!" I panted. "I don't now Katniss, maybe this is a sign." He said calmly. "GALE! How dare you!" I  yelled. I slapped him and dropped to my knees. I stared at my hands for a while and started crying. "Fine..." He said softly. "Huh?" I asked. "You heard me let's look for him." Gale said helping me to my feet. We rushed to the forest. We climbed over an electric fence that we disabled. I ran directly to a river where a small log held my bow and arrow, along with Gales. 

We searched everywhere until we reached a grassy cliff that was about 15 feet in the air. I looked down. A body laid there at the bottom. "Peeta?" I yelled. I heard a loud moan. I rapidly climbed down the cliff using roots and some rock that popped out. "Careful!" Gale hollered. Once I was at the bottom that's when Gale started climbing. I looked at Peeta who's eyes were closed. "Peeta?" I whined. He slowly opened his eyes half way and put his hand to my face. He stroked my cheek. Peeta then put his arm down and closed his eyes. "No Peeta, No! You have to open your eyes!" I yelled. 

He opened his eyes and stood up. I helped him to his feet. He was wearing a white shirt so I could see where all the blood was coming from, which was his back. I liftes his shirt. There was a huge slash down his spine, which I assume was from impact. "Are you alright?" I asked him. "Yes I'm fine." He said. "Well I'll have to bring you to my mom and Prim just to be sure." I joked trying to brighten his mood. Gale lifted his shirt and examined his back. "It's not that bad, it will be swollen in the morning." He said. "Thank you." Peeta said. I looked back at Gale who rolled his eyes. I mouthed "Stop it!" He laughed. "Can you climb?" I asked Peeta. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure." He answered. He slowly started climbing up the cliff while Gale and I watched. 

Once he was up, Gale and I started climbing. I took Gales bow and arrows and ran to the log. I stashed our things the best I could and walked back to them. Gale was talking to Peeta. 

"Okay when you're not on camera, stay away from Katniss!" "No! I actually like her." "Fine, but she doesn't like you." Gale replied. 

I ran back to them. Peeta put his arm around me. I rolled my eyes. "Boys." I thought. Peeta climbed up the electric fence as we watched. "Do you love him?" Gale asked me. "Yes Gale, I do, But I like you too." I answered. I thought I heard his heart break. I gave him a hug. Peeta watched us on the otherside of the fence. He held onto the fence. "I'm sorry." I apologized to Gale. He kissed me. I pulled away. "What was that?" I asked. "I had to do that." He replied. Peeta looked at the ground and let go of the fence. He decided to turn around. I felt his sadness, it was like a death of a friendship. "Peeta.." I tried. But he didn't listen. I jumped off the fence, so did Gale. I grabbed Peeta's shoulder. 

Gale went home, but I took Atlas to my mom. "Hunter!" I yelled. She opened the door. I helped Atlas inside. Hunter told him to get on his stomach on the kitchen counter. My mother opened a cabinet full of herbal medicines her and Hunter made. My mom rubbed disinfectant on his back while Prim gave him a shot. Peeta shifted uncomfortablely, I squeezed his hand. A siren went off. There were pauses in between. I counted the pauses. It was 10:30. Half an hour until the reaping. "Wrap it up." I said. Prim gave me a look and laughed. I smiled. 

Once they were done I walked Peeta home. He stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Do you like Gale?" He asked. I was surprised that's what he was worried about all this time. "No. He's just a close friend." I answered. I kissed him. "Please don't leave." He joked. I laughed. "See you at the reaping." I said. 

Once I got home I took a bath with rose soap provided by none other than the Capitol. "I laid something out for you." My mom said from behind me. It was the same beautiful outfit that I wore last year for the Queater Quell the new president, President Heavensbee (The GameMaker from last year)  requested me and Peeta to wear our outfits to the reaping. I put it on and pulled my hair into a side braid. I walked downstairs. "You look beautiful little mockingjay." I said watching my mother do two french braids that laid perfectly on Prim's shoulders. "No you look better." She said sadly. "No, no you look better little mockingjay." I told her kissing her forehead. "Bye mom." I said giving her a hug. She hugged Prim. 

We left and headed towards the Justice Building. We met Peeta there, where we said our "just incase goodbye" I kissed him on the cheek and Prim hugged him. We signed in.

Effie welcomed everyone. Her voice boomed across the district. She showed the video from the Capitol. "Time to pick our tributes." She said forcing a smile. I knew Effie like the back of my hand. "Can we have the two Victors from the previous years come up?" She asked. Peeta and I walked up stage. I felt sick. I knew something was wrong. There were the two famous glass bowls Effie was reaching into. There was only one card in each bowl. Peeta and I looked at each other. We joined hands. "The Everdeen's." She said her fake smile fading. "No!" Prim yelled. The Peacekeepers forced my poor little sister on stage. She ran and clinged onto me. She reached he hand into the other bowl. "The Mellark's" Luckily Peeta was an only child so he didn't have to worry about bringing another human being into the arena. 

Hunter gasped and took a step backwards. "Don't worry Hunter I'm going to protect you, okay?" I said. She started to shake. "No, it's going to be too difficult for you." She whispered. "I'm going to protect you too." Said Atlas said. She nodded. Iooked at the audience. They all did Rue's four note mockingjay song and did district 12' three fingered symbol. Atlas, Hunter, and I all did it too. I saw Tucker and he mouthed "It's going to be okay" to me... He always knew what to say. The Peacekeepers opened the doors and forced us in. Hunter yelled for my mother. All I could think about was how the hell I was going to protect Hunter, Atlas and myself.

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