Chapter Eight -Memories

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Tom had been more than pleased to find out that Houlton Manor was not  far away from Little Hangleton, the place he had managed to locate his  mother's family's home in. After having investigated the surroundings  for a few days Tom had finally decided on his next actions. He had  sneaked out of Houlton Manor after dinner being careful not to alert  anyone to his absence and had gone to Little Hangleton where he had  found the Gaunt's shack, had talked to his uncle Morfin, then had set  out to Riddle Manor, had killed his father and grandparents, had  returned to Morfin, had altered Morfin's memory and taken his  grandfather Marvolo's ring.

When Tom returned to Houlton Manor, intending to sneak back in  through the back door, he saw a curtain in one of the upper floor rooms  move. He sighed. It was Cassiopeia's room. What was the silly girl doing  up this late? Why ever was she looking out of the window? He would have  to make up some story about where he had been. Generally, that wasn't a  problem for him. He was a master in acting and lying, after all. But,  annoyingly, his skill never seemed to work as well on Cassiopeia as on  all the others. Somehow, she seemed to immediately know when he was  lying. It wasn't as if he hadn't tried. He had told her so many lies,  had tried it in so many different ways, being serious, being nonchalant,  being simpering, being threatening. However, most of it hadn't worked.  Thinking about it, actually, none of it had worked. She had always seen  through it, sometimes it had only taken her a little longer. It was  annoying. But then again, somehow, it was intriguing.

Right in this moment, however, he tended to find it only annoying.  What he had just done wasn't the kind of thing he actually wanted her to  know. There it was again, he thought, his inability to trust. He  snorted. He didn't want her to know because it was a risk. Why shouldn't  she use this information against him? It definitely was what he would  do. It was what he had always done. His plans had worked out so well  this far because he had never been connected to any of the incidents  happening around him. This old fool Dumbledore had always been  suspicious but he had never had any proof. That was essential. Having  Cassiopeia know these things about him gave her a power he definitely  didn't want her to have. He had to avoid it at all costs but he simply  didn't see how he should do that. He stood there contemplating things,  his mind racing at its usual incredible speed. She would find out, he  was sure of that. The only way he could avoid that was to use magic on  her. He needed to curse her and alter her memory. He had contemplated  that more than once already. There were various things he would have  preferred being unknown to Cassiopeia. He had always decided against  using magic so far, not because of his non-existent conscience but  because of what might happen if she prevented him from performing his  curse. He definitely was quite confident that he would succeed in  cursing her without her noticing. Although he had to admit that she was a  very capable witch, he knew that he was far more powerful than she was.  He also had the surprise on his side because she probably wouldn't  expect him to do anything like that. Still, on the off chance that he  couldn't do as planned he couldn't imagine what that might do to her  loyalty towards him. So far, their relationship had done without  threats, intimidation and curses. Besides the one time that he had used  the Cruciatus Curse on her during their duel back then in the prefects'  common room he had never cast an ill-intentioned curse on her. She had  been loyal to him of her own free will. She had helped him voluntarily  doing much of the research concerning the Chamber of Secrets. She had  known about his sinister personality all along, had never opposed him,  had always backed him. As strange as it felt and as incredible as it was  for him he had to admit that he didn't want to lose her faith.

Tom felt his temper flare. He couldn't believe his own thoughts. He  would overpower her easily when it was needed. He quickly went to the  entrance of Houlton Manor and slipped into his guest room without being  disturbed by anyone.

Poison  A Tom Marvolo Riddle Fanfiction completedWhere stories live. Discover now