Chapter Four - Changes

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After her conversation with Cepheus, Cassiopeia couldn't wait to get  back to Hogwarts. The weeks seemed to stretch endlessly until it was  finally time to return. The week before the new term Cassiopeia had  received the letter from Hogwarts informing her about the things she  needed for the school year. It had also contained the information that  she had been appointed prefect. The Hogwarts Express was steaming its  way towards the Scottish Highlands. Cassiopeia changed into her school  uniform. She proudly eyed her prefect badge and pinned it to her cloak.  She reread the information regarding the meeting with the Head Boy and  Girl on the train and carefully stowed it in her pocket.

When Cassiopeia entered the Heads' compartment it was already quite  crowded with prefects of the different houses. Cassiopeia's eyes  immediately fell on Tom Riddle, casually leaning against the wall next  to the window. Cassiopeia smiled. Of course, he had also been appointed  prefect. When Riddle caught her eye, he nodded curtly. Then he turned  his attention back to the Gryffindor Head Boy who cleared his throat and  started his speech.

"Hi all and congratulations on having been appointed prefects. As you  all know, it's an honour to be a prefect at this fine school and I  expect you all to fulfil your duties with the necessary dedication.  Don't abuse your powers but use them wise. Now, as you know, we are  required to patrol the school after curfew. We'll do this in teams;  you'll be partnered with your fellow house mate of your year. The Head  Girl and I will do our rounds together. As we've both been prefects  previously that leaves Longbottom from seventh year Gryffindor and Riley  from seventh year Ravenclaw do their rounds together. There are 12  teams so you can expect to be on duty approximately once every two  weeks. Schedules will be handed out tomorrow morning together with your  school timetables. Tonight we'll start rounds with fifth year Ravenclaw,  that means Houlton and McLean. We'll have a meeting once every month  and you'll always be notified in due course. There's a prefects' bath  room and a prefects' common room that you can use now that you are  prefects. Password is 'Sleeping draught' for the bathroom and 'Lemon  drop' for the common room. Now, good luck to all of you and have a great  start at school!"

Riddle had been bored throughout the Head Boy's speech. There was  nothing he didn't already know. But of course, Gryffindors liked to hear  themselves talk. When the Head Boy had finally announced the pairing  for patrols, Riddle had shot a disdainful glance at Andromeda Yaxley,  his fellow Slytherin fifth year. Yaxley had flashed her teeth at him in  an attempt at a seductive smile. He had ignored her but he already  dreaded the first disgustingly long hours he would have to spend on  patrol with her.


Cassiopeia was waiting at the bottom of the  stairs to Ravenclaw tower. Her fellow Ravenclaw prefect, Rufus McLean,  had asked her to meet him there at ten for their first patrol. Now, it  was already ten after ten and he hadn't shown up yet. Cassiopeia was  just contemplating what to do when she heard footsteps approaching.  However, when she turned around, it wasn't McLean but Riddle.

"What are you doing here?"

"Prefect duties."

"It's Ravenclaw's turn tonight. Where's McLean?"

"He felt sick and had to go to the Hospital Wing. I offered to help out."

"Now, did you? McLean seemed quite fine when I last saw him after dinner."

Riddle simply shrugged and started walking along the corridor.

"We should get going, the castle's big and you don't want to stay up the whole night, do you?"

Cassiopeia hurried to catch up with him.

Riddle smiled to himself. It had been so easy to hex McLean and  persuade him to go to the Hospital Wing, switching rounds with him. Now  McLean would have to deal with Yaxley and he would have plenty of time  to get the Head Boy to change the wretched schedule.

Poison  A Tom Marvolo Riddle Fanfiction completedWhere stories live. Discover now