Chapter Thirteen - Adventures

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After Christmas break the weeks flew by. The teachers didn't tire of reminding them of their upcoming N.E.W.T. exams. Tom and Cassiopeia studied dutifully. While it was obvious that Tom had already mastered all of the content of the curriculum Cassiopeia was surprised at the patience with which he kept revising with her. Honestly, Tom was surprised as well but he found it strangely relaxing. He knew that they were both excellently prepared for the exams but he enjoyed the intense concentration with which Cassiopeia kept studying.

All too soon it was May. While they were sitting in their exams Dumbledore finally went out of his way to fight Grindelwald in a spectacular duel and defeated Grindelwald at last. Dumbledore came out of it as the shining hero of the wizarding world and Tom's hatred of the man increased even further.

Time didn't slow down and, finally, the graduation ceremony was the last big event of the year. Before they were handed their diplomas, Dippet addressed the students, congratulating them on their graduation and wishing them all the best for their future. When Dippet had finished, Tom gave his graduation speech as Head Boy. Cassiopeia realized that it was probably one of the last great performances of the perfect model student that he was going to give. And as always he truly excelled. Cassiopeia smiled. He spoke as eloquently as always and with his way of talking he effortlessly made people believe him. When Tom returned to the Slytherin table his Slytherin gang cheered and the rest of Hogwarts' population applauded. Tom slid smoothly into his seat, his gaze slowly moving over the Ravenclaw table. When Tom's and Cassiopeia's eyes met, a grin crossed his face and she knew that he relished the fact that for seven long years he had successfully fooled everyone at this school, with only a few exceptions.

When Cassiopeia returned to their common room after dinner she felt strangely empty. Hogwarts had been her home for seven years and she had always loved it. She couldn't quite picture a life without Hogwarts and, moreover, she didn't really want to. Leaving Hogwarts the next day meant leaving behind everything she had grown used to for so many years. Leaving Hogwarts meant leaving Tom. Cassiopeia was sitting on the window sill when Tom entered the room, closing the door behind him. He watched her for a moment before he walked over to the window and stood beside her.

"So, that's it," Cassiopeia said, breaking the silence. "We're finally done." Her voice was wistful.

"On the contrary, this is only the beginning. The world is waiting for us."

"I know." Cassiopeia raised her eyebrows. "You kept dwelling on that in your speech." Cassiopeia turned towards Tom. "But I'm sure you are going to miss Hogwarts as well."

Tom didn't respond. He knew she was right. Actually he didn't want to leave Hogwarts. He had asked Headmaster Dippet to let him stay as the new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher since Professor Merrythought had retired but Dippet had refused. Tom was sure that Dumbledore had interfered again, opting against letting Tom stay. Tom had successfully fought his anger and had decided to go to Albania instead. He wanted to search for Ravenclaw's long lost diadem. He had charmed the Grey Lady into telling him the diadem's whereabouts some time ago and he had been eager to retrieve it ever since. Tom had pondered if he should ask Cassiopeia to accompany him but he still hadn't made a decision. Tom didn't give a damn what people thought but he knew it wasn't regarded as decent if a young lady was with a man without being engaged. However, engagement was no option for him and he was certain that Cassiopeia knew that. Tom was quite confident that she wouldn't care but that didn't mean that her father wouldn't care as well. Tom wanted Cassiopeia to go to Albania with him but he certainly wasn't going to ask. Tom pursed his lips and stared out of the window. Finally, he said, "Hogwarts was my home but there's so much out there, so many ways of magic that haven't been taught here. I want to find them. I want to push magic as far as I can." He paused. "I intend to push it further than anyone before." He paused again. After a moment he added, "I'll go to Albania."

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