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Vic's POV

-1 month later-

Some days are good, some are bad. Some days he just lays in bed, eyes wide open, but doesn't move, hardly even breaths.

His eyes glistened so bright the day we went to Disney land, but now the spark had dulled, almost fully gone. I could feel it, the end is near for him. I walked upstairs to see if he had woken up. He never gets up early anymore. 'Kells?' I whispered, poking my head round the corner of the door. His eyes were wide open. My heart stopped as I couldn't see his chest move up and down. 'K-kells?' I called again, slightly louder.

I sighed a sigh of relief when I saw his chest slowly fall again. I walked over to him slowly. He was staring blankly at the ceiling. I ran my hands through his hair. I noticed a dry tear stain at the side of his face. 'How are you today?' I whispered. His eyes filled up with tears. As much as I hate to see him cry, it's a good thing that he can hear me today. 'I can't do this anymore, Vic.' He whispered. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. 'Yes, you can.' I said. 'You know why?' I continued. He turned his head to look at me. 'Because your strong, stronger than anyone I know.' I whispered, kissing his forehead. 'I love you so much.' He whispered. 'I love you too.' I sobbed, a tear running down my face.

'Is this gunna be a bed day or do you wanna do something?' I asked. He smiled slightly, tears still glistening in his eyes. 'I wanna go somewhere.' He said, with a small smile. I smiled back. 'Okay, pick somewhere, anywhere.' I said. 'Can we go out, to the park maybe, then later meet up with the guys, you know, Tony, Jaime,mike, gabe, jack, Justin, and nick.' He whispered. I smiled. 'Yeah, that sounds lovely.' I said.

He smiled again. 'Can we take Copeland to the park tomorrow? He asked. I nodded 'Anything, for you.' I said, my eyes filling up again.

He got up slowly. 'Do you need help?' I asked, concerned. He shook his head slowly. He finally stood upright and breathed a sigh of relief. Getting up was always a struggle for him, but we he finally got upright, he was okay. 'What day is it?' He asked. I hesitated for a second. 'July 1st' I said. He looked shocked. 'The only day I can remember is Disney land.. which was at the beginning of June.' He said in a panic. 'It's fine, we haven't done anything since.' I said, trying to calm him down, but slightly worried myself. 'I wanted to make my life worth it, my last few days worth it!' He cried. 'You have!' I Said, trying to speak loud enough to overpower his sobs. 'Daddy?' A small voice said at the door. He immediately stopped crying and rushed over to the door and picked her up. 'Your awake!' She said, happily. He started to cry again. 'I love you so much.' He said to her, kissing her cheek. I wiped a tear away from my face as I watched them two together. 'You wanna go to the park tomorrow?' He asked her. She nodded excitedly as he put her down, she ran off to get reading to go to pre school.

'You should take your medication now.' I said, stroking his hair. He nodded. We walked down stairs, I left him in the lounge to take his meds whilst I made us both a cup of tea.

I could hear him sob from the kitchen. I went in to check on him. 'Kellin stop!' I screamed as I saw him with a large amount of his medication in his hands. 'That's way too much!' I yelled. He put the pills on the table and clutched his head. 'I can't think straight!' He cried. ' my minds all over the place!' I sighed and walked over to him, my heart still pounding out of my chest. 'Kells, that was way too many, you could have killed yourself.' I said, quietly. He shrugged. 'Im gunna die soon anyway.' He said, his voice shaking slightly. I couldn't hold it in any longer, my tears flowed out and I lost it. I lost control of my breathing, but that didn't matter. I felt a hand around my back. 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry!' I heard Kellin scream. I sobbed harder.

'Vic, please!' I heard him scream as I clutched my throat, searching for air. He wrapped his arms around me and rest his head on my shoulder, this immediately calmed me. My breathing slowed and my vision cleared slightly.

'I'm sorry.' He whispered.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around him, never wanting to let go again.

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