I won't stop till I have your heart cos what I'm feeling is real

619 18 14

Diannes POV

After an hour of talking, 3 crying and laughing fits, 2 calming down sessions and a quick catch up, we finally joined the boys in the lounge. They'd put Toy Story back on and were watching it intensely. I look a quick look at Maisie who was still grinning and eyes slightly red from crying and screaming; I’m surprised they didn’t come in the amount of times she did scream!

The door squeaked as we shut it and Louis looked up. His green eyes filled with hope and a big cheesy grin appeared on his face. I laughed and Maisie elbowed my rib cage, I gave her my what-was-that-for look and she smiled suspiciously, raising her eye brows and nodding in Louis direction. I hit her arm and went to sit next to him, trying to ignore her look.

I sat down on the sofa and cuddled into his chest, taking the bowl of popcorn and stuffing some in my mouth. He laughed at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. In the corner of my eye I saw Maisie whispering with Harry, he always got the girls and she had the biggest crush on him EVER.

I had a plan that will make her suffer if she embarrasses me in front of these boys, she will DIE of embarrassment.

“Hey, what’s up?”

Louis whispered in my ear, his breath still managed to smell of mint though he’d eaten nearly a whole bowl of toffee popcorn. I nodded in Maisie’s direction, he looked towards them and they laughed – yeah I was the one who was flirting!

“Just ignore them, just cos they aren’t sitting next to me they are jel!”

I laughed a bit too loud so everyone looked at me. I hid under my hood and looked at my phone which started to vibrate.


One new message from:

Maisieeee x


Oh dear, this couldn’t be good. I heard her laugh evilly in the corner and shot her the death look, she silenced herself. I turned away from Louis slightly so he couldn’t read it but he was too busy screaming at the tv.



Sooooo, you and Lou lou getting on well I see? ;) xxx


That girl was gonna die, I swear. I quickly replied and she forgot to put her phone on vibrate so ‘What makes you beautiful’ started to play. Everyone looked at her and she blushed bright red, I was having a laughing fit and fell on the floor in hysterics. Everyone’s attention soon turned to me and I just continued to laugh, because no one else knew why it was funny.

I calmed myself down and went back to sitting next to Louis, who gave me an odd look. I nodded towards the door and got up, heading straight for the kitchen. Just as I did I heard a cough from behind.

“And where do you think you’re going?”

Maisie sat with her arms crossed and eye brows raised. I looked at Louis, then the empty bowl he was holding.

“Just going to make some more popcorn, Louis the pig ate it all!”

She wasn’t buying it.

“So why is Louis coming with you then?”

Damn she was good.

“So I don’t blow up the kitchen, you know me and cooking don’t exactly agree”

She smiled and relaxed as she knew that was the truth. One time we had a sleepover and I blew up the microwave because I left the chocolate in there for too long, to be fair she could have done something to help too!

I left her chatting with Harry, Liam telling them to be quiet as he actually wanted to watch the film; he was meant to be the mature one? I went into the kitchen and got a packet of popcorn, putting it in the microwave for the right amount of time. Louis skipped in after me and took out a bottle of Red Bull from the fridge. I looked at him oddly as I knew one sip of that would make him go MENTAL.

“Are you sure you should drink that? You’re already full of popcorn and sweets”

He laughed, opened the can and drank half of it in one go. I stood there mouth open staring at him and all he did was shrug his shoulders. He jumped on the kitchen stool that turned and spun round and round and round. I stood laughing at him as he staggered off it, bashing into me.

As I was about to fall he caught me in his arms, his strong warm grip protected me from falling. Our faces were inches apart and his breath raised goose bumps on my cheeks. We stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed like seconds. He moved his hand slowly to the back of neck, his soft touch made my spine shiver. I looked straight into his glistening blue eyes which were shining back into mine.

He moved his head gently towards mine, eyes not breaking contact. I soon gave in, couldn’t resist and our lips met perfectly in the middle. His kisses were soft and warm but still passionate. He moved slowly down my jawline and onto my neck, leaving a few love bites. He stopped and breathed heavily on my neck; my hands wrapped tight round his, his hand on my waist.

“I’m sorry” he whispered

I moved his head so he was looking directly at me, confused look on my face. He looked at the floor nervously and let his hands go but I held them in mine.

“What’s there to be sorry for?”

He looked up and smiled slightly, threading his fingers through mine but holding them loosely.

“I kissed you and you have a boyfriend…”

He looked at the floor again until I pulled him into a gentle kiss. As I pulled away he looked shocked and confused but still smiling.

“Louis, Tyler is a useless idiot who was only with me so he looked good. I never should have said yes”

He moved away slightly, still confused.

“What do you mean ‘was only with you’? He’s your boyfriend!” I smiled at his innocence.

“My ex-boyfriend. I have a new one now”

He was shocked at what I said then looked down heartened.

“It’s Harry isn’t it, I knew he’d get to you, always get the girls with his curls and dimples…”

He let go and walked away, head lowered in sadness. Just as he reached for the door I grabbed his wrist turning him around.

“Louis if you haven’t noticed he’s too busy flirting with Maisie and I saw him give her a kiss as soon as we’d left the room, obviously she didn’t want me to be there…

And you’re my boyfriend”

He looked at me wide eyed pulling me into the deepest meaningful hug I’ve ever had.

“Thank you”

He whispered softly into my brown hair, stroking it gently.

I smiled to myself, knowing he was the one for me.

And so much better than Tyler.


Heyaaa, sorry for no update on this story! So Louis + Dianne are a couple now? And what’s happening between Hazza + Maisie? But more importantly how will Tyler react to the break up?

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update soon ‘xox

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2012 ⏰

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