I want....you

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heyy again, so thought about doing a fanfic for Louis and here it is! if you have any ideas on what can happen thoughout the sequel then please tell

enjoyy :) xox

Louis' POV

Ever had that irritating sound of a voice that won't ever stop talking, ever?!

I do.

'Louis come onn! We gotta get those boots I wanted! LOUISSS!" 

Tiffany grabbed my arm dragging me into shop. Why did she have to do that? Everytime we came to a shop, and infront of the press as well! I already know what tomorrows headline will be...

"Ooh! Ooh! Boo bear I want these ones! Wait...no these ones...actually..YES! These are PERFECT!" She grabbed my arm again, dragging me to the till with a pair of heels that I knew she would wear once, then never again.

"Are you sure now that these are the ones you want?" I sighed,

"Well urmm....yes, yes these are the ones I want now hurry up and pay!" She rang the bell on the desk and the worker came out with a smile.

"Hello" she smiled at me, scanning the shoes, "That'll be..wow urm £3000 please?"

I choked on my breath and tried not to look at Tiffany's face, the assistant was trying to keep a straight face too but as soon as we made eye contact - we burst into hysterics.

Then Tiffany slapped me.

"TIFFANY! What was that for?!"

"Urm you are clearly flirting with this worker and haven't bought my shoes yet?!" She began to tap her foot and crossed her arms.

"Well I can't buy you these shoes, there a bit well...pricey, could we go somewhere else?"

She slapped me again and stormed out the shop.

I just stood there holding my face, realising the worker was still there. I looked at her, she gave me a sympathetic smile and picked the shoes up from the counter.

"I guess you won't be needing these then?" She placed the shoes back on the stand.

"And I can get you some ice for your face if you like, she hit you pretty hard by the looks of it" I moved my hand from my cheek and went to the mirror.

Ouchh, she actually bruised my cheek?! Wowchaa it hurt like hell!

"Here, use this should bring the swelling down"

The worker was holding a bag of carrots, ahh she knew who I was then.

"Thanks, how did you know about the carrots?" I laughed and placed them on my cheek, she giggled and blushed, looking down at the ground.

That's when I realised how beautiful she was. Yes Tiffany was okay looking but this girl was, well stunning.

She had long brown hair tied into a messy ponytail, a few stands falling by her face, her skin was slightly tanned with a few faint freckles on her cheeks, her lips were a deep rose colour and her eyes were a piercing ice blue, a shade lighter than Niall's to be precise.

She looked up at me and smiled. I was about to say how beautiful her smile was when...

"LOUIS! Woahh mate, you okay? Heard what happened and- well, who's your friend here?"

The boys. Great.

"Well I'm fine thanks and actually I haven't got her name but that's your fault!" I hit them with my bag of carrots, revealing the bruise from Tiffany's slap.

"Ouchh, that's gotta hurt!" Niall pointed at my cheek which I quickly covered up with my carrots.

"Louis....let me take a look" Liam slowly took away the bag and lightly touched the bruise, well that's what he said anyway.

"OWWWW! LIAM! That hurt.." I ran away from his hand, clutching the carrots back to my face.

"Louis your embarassing yourself infront of your new friend!" Harry said laughing at me.

"Yeah I'd love to stay and watch your 'drama' but I've got to get back to work, sorry..."

She started to wonder to the back of the shop but I lept infront of her before she could leave.

"Well the thing is, I haven't got your name orr number yet, so ya knoww...what is it?"

I leant casually against the door frame that didn't exist and knocked over a bunch of manikins. She laughed as I stood up the first one I knocked over, brushing my shoulders like a cool dude.

"My name's Dianne, and here" she handed me a crumpled bit of paper "open it when your alone though, I don't want the others to start randomly texting me"

We both looked at the boys who were laughing at me, then trying to look as thought they weren't - and failing.

"Thanks, I'll leave you now so we don't ruin the shop anymore"

She laughed and mumbled a bye before disappearing behind the door.

I kept the carrots and headed towards the boys, who were still laughing at me.

"That was smooth Louis, smooooth" Zayn winked at me and started laughing again.

"Haha. Yeah well you ain't get her number or name have ya?" I pushed my chest out and walked out the shop like a hard man, making them laugh even more.

We headed to the car, the others started to play on pokemon or tease me even more. I sat in the corner and added her number to my phone secretly, they never notice anything.

I wanted to text her but I knew Tiffany would come running back after her little tantrum.

But I still wasn't sure...

I want....you - Louis fanficWhere stories live. Discover now