It's like I'm finally awake, and your just a beautiful mistake

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Louis POV

"Tiffany? What are you doing here?"

I looked at her not only confused but hurt and angry' after what she did, after all she's done, she still thinks I want her back.

"Well I came here to see MY boyfriend but instead, I come to find him with some other slag!"

"Excuse me?" Dianne stood up and walked infront of me, staring at Tiffany in disgust

"Urmm take a look in the mirror hun, then you'll see!" She plastered a fake smile on her face, then walked past her, knocking her out the way to come hug me.

I pushed her away, the rejected look on her face showed it all. I ignored her and walked by Dianne, who was still shocked at the comment she had made. Taking her hand I took her outside, closing the door so she couldn't hear.

"Dianne I'm so sorry, I didn't know she was coming but listen; give me 5 minutes to talk with her, then it will be okay, yeah?"

I brushed a piece of hair from her cheek; she smiled and nodded.

Closing the door behind me, I headed straight to Tiffany who was tapping her blue GUCCI shoes on the ground; her fake blonde hair laying over her shoulders, dead straight. She was wearing a tight pink tank top with a cropped demin jacket, a short black and white mini skirt and her face layered in make up and false eyelashes. It was all OTT.

"Tiffany, that was out of order! You don't even know Dianne!" I tried not to shout but knew I couldn't, she's never done anything like that before!

"Oh so your on first name basis are you?" Now she was pushing it.

"Tiffany, you need to calm down! We're just friends, stop over reacting!" I composed myself, knowing she would come back with something.


"WHAT? LIKE YOU, YOU MEAN?" She froze.

"All I ever do is buy you things and never get anything in return! I don't think I can do this anymore, Tiffany.... I want you to leave, now"

She stood there stunned, saying nothing for once. I turned to the door, holding back the tears and swung it open.

"Please... go, now"

She fled from the room, tears streaming and ruining her make up. The sound of her heels was followed shortly by a slam of the door. I turned back into the kitchen and sat back in my seat.

I'd just broken up with my girlfriend.

Great, this is gonna go down well. I grabbed a tea towel and wiped away the tears, preparing myself for the questions to come. I had to do it sometime, our relationship was dragging on and I only liked her until she became this, this, brat!

"Louis?" I heard a faint knock, the door then opened,

It was Harry. Harry was by far the closest to me in the band and knew at a time like this that I needed to talk, not to bottle up my feelings. He came and sat down next to me, putting his arm round my shoulder and giving me a comforting smile.

"I've finally done it, as you probably heard..."

"Yeah I know, think the whole neighbour hood heard!" We laughed and sat for a while.

"I think I'll be okay now, as long as Dianne wasn't scared off; where is she by the way?"

"She's in the lounge with the boys, hopefully their not interrogating her too much..."

I laughed and got up, legs still a bit wobbly from crying. Harry followed me in, making sure I didn't fall and made me laugh so my mind was occupied.

As I walked in with Harry, the room fell silent. Zayn and Liam were on one sofa, Niall on another, Dianne was on the armchair.

She looked at me with her pale blue eyes, full of sympathy. Her brown hair framed her face and her bronze tan was still glistening in the dim light. She smiled at me and looked down nervously, playing with the zip on her gilet.

I nodded at the boys who all smiled and wiggled there eyebrows, making me laugh. I sat down next to Niall; one by one they left the room so it was just me and Dianne.

She looked up and I smiled, making her nervous look slightly relieved. She moved next to me but tried not to sit too close. I laughed and took her hand, making her look up confused.

"Dianne, I'm really sorry about Tiffany; she's not normally like that but it's alright now. As you probably heard I broke up with her and she didn't take it too well so she won't be coming round anymore and I was wondering..."

She looked at me with a smile until the last sentence, in which her face dropped.

"Louis, I-"

"Look I know we've just met but I'm beginning to really like you so I was wondering if we could, you know, go out - only to get to know each other thats-"

"Louis" She put her hand on mine and looked straight into my eyes.

"I'm sorry Louis but... I already have a boyfriend"

'Boyfriend' - that word stabbed me.

I could see the hurt in her eyes too, knowing I was already broken. She looked down, trying not to make me feel any worse.

"It doesn't mean we can't still hang out and be friends right?" Her eyes widened.

"Sure, I mean it's better than nothing! Now come her bestie!"

I pulled her into a hug, giving her a surpise attack. I leant on her shoulder, a scent of vanilla filled my nose. I held her tight, knowing this was as close as I was going to get to having her, so I made the most of it.

Tiffany broke my heart and I knew Dianne could fix it.

If only I had a way to make her mine.


heyy, hope you enjoy this update! so louis has FINALLY broken up with tiffany *cheer!* but can't have dianne, poor lou!

will he manage to win her over or will her boyfriend win her heart?

update soon 'xox

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