You Take my Breath Away ( A Dramione Veela Story )

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I do not own any of the characters except for the ones that I created. They all belong to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter One

* Hermione *

Hermione was reading a book while laying on her bed when she heard tapping on her window. She slowly walked to the window and opened it so the gold barn owl could fly in. It perched itself on the chair at her desk. The beautiful owl picked up its leg up gracefully and Hermione untied the large envelope from its leg and gave the owl a treat. Surprisingly the owl didn't leave. She opened the large envelope to see a letter from Hogwarts. She squealed in delight as she read,

Dear Miss Granger,

I am proud to tell you that you have been excepted back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy to redo your seventh year. Knowing you, I am sure that you will return to finish your education. I am also proud to tell you that you are now Head Girl. Your common room will be in the Room of Requirement. The password is 'True Love'. The owl that brought you this letter is Gladius. I have given you Gladius, because he will be used to contact Mr.Potter and Mr.Weasley and any of your friends or family. Mr.Potter and Mr.Weasley have already informed me that they will not be returning this year. Please respond to this letter by August 25th. A list of supplies is also packed in the envelope along with the Head Girl badge.

Yours truly,

Minerva McGonagal

Hermione pulled the badge and list of supplies out of the large envelope. She placed them on her desk and pulled out ink, a quill, a piece of parchment and wrote,

Dear Professor McGonagal,

I will be returning to Hogwarts again to finish my last year. Thank you for Gladius and I will see you September 1st.


Hermione Granger

After she finished writing her response and tying it to Gladius' leg, she ran downstairs." Mum! I got excepted back to Hogwarts!" she exclaimed." That's wonderful dear." " I'm going to Diagon Alley to get my supplies. I'll see you in a few hours."

"Alright. Bye darling."
"Bye!" she yelled as she walked out the front door. She walked a couple of blocks then turned into a dark alley and apparated to Diagon Alley. She was walking by Madam Malkin's, when she saw a flash of red hair. She knew it had to be one of the Weasleys, because she didn't know anyone else with red hair. She followed the redhead and noticed that it wasn't Ginny because the hair was too short, so she guessed that it was Ron, George, or Percy. She hid behind a garbage can when the redhead turned around.

" Why is Ron out here?" she asked herself in her head. Then he turned around and walked a few more blocks, stopped behind a girl with dirty blonde hair, wrapped his arms around her waist and said,

"Hey gorgeous." That's when the girl turned around and Hermione saw that it was Lavender Brown. Ron kissed her on the lips with passion not noticing Hermione watching them. She stomped up to him, tapped him on the shoulder, slapped him when he turned around, and said,
"I can't believe you Ronald. How could you do this to me? After everything we've been through, we are through! Have fun with the Gryffindor Slut." almost in tears and started to run.

She wiped the tears of her face, but her eyes were still red and puffy. On her way to Honeyduke's, she bumped into someone and fell to the ground.
"Sorry. Let me help you." said a male voice that she could barely recognize and the man held out his hand to help her up.She grabbed his hand and he pulled her up like she was as light as a feather. When he pulled her up, her dark brown eyes met his stormy grey eyes and she looked down quickly, let go of his hand,and said,
"Sorry, Malfoy."
"Watch were you're going, Granger." Then she walked away.
"Okay. I really need to get over my fear of hights, so I can show Malfoy that he doesn't want to mess with me." she said to herself. She walked over to Quality Quiditch Supplies quickly, hoping to not bump into anyone she knew.

She walked over to the large floating glass contianer that held the the newest broom, the Tunderstorm 2.0. She grabbed one from the shelf under the floating container. As she walked to another shelf, she spotted a blonde haired boy and grunted. She went over to the shelf that had all of the gloves and boots. She picked out snow, white gloves and boots and took them up to the service lady.
"Hello, I would like to get my name stitched into the gloves and boots." she said sweetly.
"Okay, dear. What's your name?"
"Hermione Granger." she said proudly. The service lady took Hermione's new gloves and boots. The lady came back with the gloves and boots, handed them to Hermione, and said
"I put a special charm on them so the will never get dirty, and you won't need to by a new pair."
"Thank you, they look amazing. Oh, and here is your tip." she handed the lady 5 galleons.
"I can't take this-"
"No, I insist. I now have more money than I need."

Hermione walked up to the register and handed the lady 250 galleons.
"Keep the change." Hermione said grabbing the bag that held her new broom, gloves, and boots. When she saw a man with blonde hair she grunted.
"Granger! Why are you carrying a bag full of quidditch supplies with your name on them?"
"I'm giving them to a friend wiith the exact same name as me." she said sarcastically. "I'm playing quidditch this year after some training from Harry and Ginny."
"Good luck. You're gonna need it." She rolled her eyes, turned around, and started to walk away. All of a sudden, Draco grabbed her wrists, turned her around and kissed her on the lips. She was so shocked that she couldn't move. As soon as he pulled away, she slapped him in the face. She picked up the bag holding her quidditch supplies and stomped away.

"I can't believe he had the nerve to do that." she said to herself. She got the rest of her school supplies, but still needed new robes. She walked into Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. I walked to the girls' section of racks and went to the rack with the Gryffindor robes. She picked out a uniform that looked kinda sexy, but still covered her pretty well. She handed the gal at the counter 25 sickles and her new robes. The gal put the robes in a bag and handed it to Hermione. As soon as she got out of she apparated to her house. She didn't realise that it was almost 8:00 at night.
"Hey mum." she said when she walked up to the chouch and sat down.

"Hey sweety. You look stressed, what's wrong?" her mother asked looking concerned.
"You know how that boy named Draco who was always picking on me, Harry, and Ron."
"Well...... He kissed me and I think I like him."
" just follow you heart."

* Draco *

He was at his desk writing a letter to Blaise when a white screech owl tapped on his window. He put his quill down and let the owl fly into his room. The owl flew onto the chair at his desk. Draco untied envelope from the owl's leg and pulled out a letter that read,

Dear Mr. Malfoy,

I am proud to tell you that you have beenexcepted back to Hogwarts Schoolof Witchcraft and Wizardyto redo your seventh year. I am also proud to tell you that you are now Head Boy. Your common room will be in the Room of Requirement. The password is 'True Love'.Please respond to this letter by August 25th. A list of supplies is also packed in the envelope along with the Head Boy badge.

Yours truly,

Minerva McGonagal

He pulled out the badge and list of supplies and said," Well, looks like I need to reply and get my supplies." He pulled out a piece of parchment from a desk drawer and wrote,

Dear Professor McGonagal,

I will be returning to Hogwarts to finish my last year. I will see you September 1st.


Draco Malfoy

and tied it to the owl's leg. His mother was proven to be under the Impereus Curse and was free to go anywhere she wanted. Draco's father, like his mother, was under the Impereus Curse, but was under house-arrest. " Mum!" he yelled from his bedroom. " Yes, Draco?" she asked while walking into his bedroom. " They're letting me come back to Hogwarts to finish my last year." " Are you going back?" " Yes, I just sent a letter that said that I would be returning." " Lucius!" called his mum. " Yes?" he said looking worried while walking in Draco's bedroom. " We need to tell him."

" Okay." Lucius said to Narcissa. Lucius turned toward Draco and said," Draco, you're a Veela."
"What?!" Draco yelled.
"Yes, you are half veela." " How?" " Well your mother is half veela, and so am I, so that makes you half veela." Lucius answered him.
"Is something going to happen to me?" Draco asked looking panicky.
"If you don't find your mate by the time your 18, you will die slowly and painfully."
"I don't want to die!" He exclaimed.
"Then you need to find her, your birthday is in 8 months."

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