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*Ginny's POV*  ((Surprise!!))

Hermione, Malfoy, Zabini and I have been going out to the Quidditch Pitch every day for the past two weeks. Hermione is actually a great quidditch player, although I'm not surprised, she being able to do anything if she puts her mind to it. Malfoy might have some competition for seeker if Mione keeps getting better and better. 

"Alright! Break time!" Zabini yelled and landed. Malfoy landed next to him and they started chatting. I couldn't stop staring at Blaise.

He turned his head and looked in my direction. He smirked and winked.

I could feel my cheeks heat up and I looked away. Hermione flew over to me and giggled.

"Your cheeks are as redder than your hair, Gin."

"Whatever." I playfully glared at her and flew over to my water bottle.

After our short water break, we went straight back to practicing. We scrimmaged a few times and passed the quaffle back and forth.

"How about we call it a night? Mione and I are getting tired." I suggested. It was almost lunch and I needed something to eat.

Malfoy looked at Blaise and shrugged. "I'm getting tired too."

"Alright, than. I guess we're done for the day." He nodded with a smile. I sighed happily.

"Bloody hell, I need some food." I flew down and grabbed my stuff. I noticed that the bracelet that my mum had given me was gone.

"Is everything alright?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah!" I forced a grin. "I'll meet you in the common room in a little bit."

"Okay." She hesitated before she left.

"This is great." I muttered to myself looking for the bracelet frantically in the stands.

"Lose something, Red?" Blaise came up behind me and I jumped slightly startled.

"Yeah." I sighed with pink cheeks.

"Would you like some help?" He rested his large hand on my shoulder.

"That would be great." I smiled thankfully. 

We looked for it, for what seemed like forever; even on the other side of the Quidditch Pitch. I was so distracted that I didn't sense him come up behind me.

"Hey, Red. This it?" Blaise asked, causing me to jump. He was dangling my silver bracelet between his thumb and fore finger. My eyes widened with joy and I hugged him tightly. 

"Thank you so much!" I cheered happily and looked up at him. He grinned down at me. I stepped back and he handed me the bracelet. "We should probably head back now." I looked over at the large castle that I called my second home. 

"Yeah." He nodded. I was joking around and walking on the wide railing that was there to keep people in the bleachers. I wasn't paying attention and I missed the railing when I stepped. My arms flailed around, trying to catch onto anything. A piercing scream left my lips as I fell.........


Cliffhanger my lovelies! I am so sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I have been super busy with dance and studies. I hope you liked this chapter, although it was small. I'll try to be more consistent when updating! See you next time!

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