Let the Prank Wars Begin

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(Instead of having it were the POV is always third person, parts are going to be their POV's)

Instead of moping around because they didn't know how to get the girls to love them, Draco and Blaize decided to plot their first prank on the girls. Little did they know, the girls were doing the same.

Hermione was sitting at a table in the Restricted Section of the library going over their plan. Ginny agreed with most of the ideas, but she helped Hermione better parts of the prank. Mia was the Brightest Witch of their age, but Ginny had more knowledge in the art of pranking. She did grow up with Fred and George Weasley. the infamous troublemakers at Hogwarts.

The girls finale decision was made before the bell for first period rang. They had potions first with Professor Slughorn. They walked into the classroom to see Blaize and Draco already there and sat behind the boys.

"Good morning class!" boomed Professor Slughorn as he bust through the threshold.

"Good morning." came the mumbled reply from the students.

"Today we will be making Amortentia! Can anybody tell me what that is?"

Draco lazily raised his hand.

"Mister Malfoy?"

"Amortentia is a potion that makes the taker fall in love with the person that gave them the potion."

"Very good." praised the professor. "Today you will be paired up, by me, and make a love potion."

The professor listed off a long list of names and these two pairings stuck out to her the most.

"Miss Granger and Mister Malfoy, Miss Weasley and Mister Zabini."

The two Gryffindors sat at their desk shocked while the two Slytherins smirked. Ginny reluctantly traded seats with Draco knowing that there was no getting out of it. Hermione got up and grabbed all the ingredients needed for the potion. When they finished, Slughorn decided to ask someone what they smelled.

"Miss Granger, what do you smell?"

"Freshly mown grass, new parchment, and spearmint toothpaste?" She wondered where spearmint toothpaste came from. Draco remembered each of those, figuring out some of her favorite places. Grass meant outside and new parchment was the library or a book store. The students turned in their potions and were dismissed.

 The day went by really fast. Classes didn't seem to long and breakfast and lunch seemed like mere memories. All four finally had a free period. Hermione and Ginny ran up to the Heads' Dorm and set up their plan. Hermione had taken it upon herself to go to a muggle supermarket and grabbed red and navy hair dye. She also got large bottles of super glue, Orbeez, and feathers. Ginny mixed the super glue, feathers, and Orbeez together in buckets and cast a spell on them so they would float in the air and follow the victim until the caster of the spell flicked his/her wand. She also placed an transparency spell on them. While Ginny was working on the buckets, Hermione put the hair dye in the boys shampoo. Navy blue for Blaize and red for Draco. They then sat on the couch and waited for the boys.


Blaize and I were flying around on our brooms at the quidditch field, passing the quaffel back-and-forth. We passed the ball around a few more times then decided to head back to the dorms and take showers. When we got back, Hermione and Ginny were talking about something and started giggling.

I leaned over and whispered to Blaize. "Do you have any idea what there talking about?"

"Not a clue, and I don't want to try and listen in only to get in trouble with them."

"That's probably best." I headed to the shower and so did Blaize. After the shower, I walked into the common room dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Those muggles sure know how to make comfortable clothes. Blaize soon joined me in the common room with blue hair?

"Mate, I think something's wrong with your hair."

"No, there's something wrong with your hair."

We ran into my room and looked in the mirror.

"Why is my hair red?" I growled.

"Why is mine blue?" We looked at each other and yelled,


"Hermione!" in unison. We heard uncontrollable laughing and ran to the common room. There stood Hermione and Ginny. Ginny flicked her wand and both, me and Blaize, had some sticky substance covering our bodies with feathers and small gooey-looking orbs. The girls ran out the passage way laughing their asses off.


We heard our names being yelled by two angry Slytherins. They ran into the common room where Ginny and I were laughing uncontrollably. Ginny flicked her wand and the buckets of glue, feathers, and Orbeez poured their contents all over the boys. They looked furious. I started to drag Ginny out while we laughed to our hearts content. We sprinted all around the school with the boys trailing behind us. Dinner had started about 10 minutes ago, so we ran into the Great Hall. Just as we sat down at the Gryffindor table, they burst through the door. They realized where they were after everyone started to laugh. It was funny to see the blush and mumble colorful words as they walked over to the Slytherin table. 'Well, that's going to be the gossip of the week.' thought Hermione.

The girls decided to have a 'sleepover' in Hermione's bedroom and locked all the doors and windows. Hermione also cast a warding spell that would alert them if one of the unrecognized persons entered the dorm room.


Thank you so much for reading my book! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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