Cage Rage

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Cage Rage 

by sloanranger

I think I'd be blue not gold,

were I a fish in a bowl;

I'd bubble and shout,

"Please let me out,"

and curse the day I was sold.

If I were an ape in a zoo,

I'd be very angry at you.

I'd worry and pace,

throw waste at your face -

Oh, wait - that's just what they do.

And were I a bird in a cage,

I'd be very, very enraged;

I'd squawk and I'd cry.

"Please let me fly,"

my sorrow could not be assuaged.

And were a whale in a pool,

made to act like a fool:

swim round and round -

sometimes I'd drown

a 'handler' or two - wouldn't you?

And it always comes back to man,

we're jailing now, all that we can.

We're so 'tough on crime,'

I can't say that I'm,

surprised, it's got out of hand.

For it's 'as above, so below'

and vice-versa, you know.

It always comes back,

kindness or lack -

be careful of what you sow.


Hi All, a link to an article about a real escape by an octopus (called Inky) from an aquarium back to the sea. Wonderful : )

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