Put a lock on it

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Good night ladies and gents,
Sorry for being M.I.A for awhile. But I made up for it.


Yeah I put a lock on it.
That thing we call our heart.
That thing that beats rapidly,
So strongly, so lively.
The thing that keeps us alive.
The thing that gets broken,
Everytime someone toxic comes in.
Be it weeks,
Be it months,
Be it years,
Imma put a lock on it.

Yeah, I put a lock on it,
That heart if mine.
So that it wont be tarnished,
By those who only wanna play hocus pocus,
Now you're brokus.

Yeah, I put a lock on it,
Just to heal and become stronger.
No I dont wanna become a stranger,
To the feeling of love.
I just wanna take my time,
To love the right person.
A person who makes an effort,
Who gives me attention,
Who loves me as I am,
Who motivates and teaches me,
That despite everything,
I'm his top priority.
After God.... that is.

So until then,
Imma put a lock on it.
Keep all those feelings captured in this blue sparkly cage,
That I've enclosed my heart in.


How was it??
I wonder where yall reading from and what time? 😞

6:48 p.m 22/01/2017

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