The Cold Truth

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           Cricket XOXO


"Chicks before dicks,
Bros before hoes,
Girls before curls."

That's what they always say.
They said it today, yesterday, everyday.

That's what they always tell you,
But how much of it is true.

When you're pregnant,
Everybody wants to be godmother.

But the day you deliver,
Everybody scatter.

Aint nobody gone stand by your side,
Watch you cry thats what they'll do.
But help you no, no never never.
They're never coming back,
Leaving you to wonder where ya ride or die went.

Wanna hang with your boyfriend's pals??

Wanna call 'em ya friends??

Honey, when they see him entertaining them other girls;
They aint gone stop him.
Better yet they gone name him "CM".

Then they gone be laughing in yo face acting like nothings going on.

I aint saying that all boys aint no good. No no.

There are actually good boys,
Those that twist yo heart, give you butterflies. The whole deal. Make you go "ooh la la".
Those that make you his top priority, 'thats what I want.'

Moral of this:
Don't trust too much,
Don't give too much,
At the end of the day,
Your heart won't hurt much.

   So what do ya think. Am I right? Or am I wrong??
  Tell me.

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