A Better Look

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                                                            CHAPTER 3:

I just stared at them with my mouth wide open. I could understand the words but the meaning just didn’t sink in. Nash started laughing. “Wh-What?” then all I could think about was the fact that I was going against the f-ing royalty of the goddamned undead!

As I was so involved with the internal conversation I was having with myself, I completely failed to notice that there was someone else watching. Fortunetely, my new companions didn’t. Nash leaned in close to my ear and whispered, “Darling, I think it’s about time we ought to leave”

I could barely breathe, all I could think was too close, way too close.

Then, I realized what he was talking about. Someone was there, but with such little presence that I could barely make them out. They had a different presence - more twisted, and were in the woods surrounding the cemetery. But I had no time to react as his arms went around me and suddenly I was no longer in the cemetery but in an amazing room that I swear could’ve belonged in a palace. And one bitch of a migraine, it felt like my head had been split open.

“What the heck? Where are we?" I demanded, as soon as my sense of self-preservation kicked in and the pain in my head receded. Nash looked completely fine, which sort of pissed me off because I still had an acute pain in my head but I ignored it, or tried to, when I noticed the change of scenery. 

I looked around the grand room. There was a magnificent chandelier in the centre, breath-taking master pieces were on every wall, I even recognized a few I was damn sure belonged in a museum. There was beautiful antique furniture all around the room but no bed, which led me to believe that this was a living room. 

But for some reason, I didn’t feel very safe being with Nash, alone in a room. I couldn’t read the man at all. Actually, I couldn’t read Gabe either. That was disturbing because for as long as I could remember, I had good instincts, especially with people. Then again, Gabe and Nash aren’t really people are they?

As it turns out, I hadn’t needed to worry because a few seconds later, Gabe popped up. Literally. If my eyes got any bigger, I swear they would fall out. He just dusted off some invisible lint and acted as if nothing happened. He noticed me staring and gave me a crooked smile. My face reddened and I turned away.

I could see the guys in the light now; they were even better looking than I had thought. Gabe had a slight golden tinge, and the brooding good looks - high cheekbones, straight nose and those eyes dark grey of his, and his ebony hair, along with that lean but strong build of his, he was an irresistible package.  Nash’s hair was a little lighter than I thought - almost blond, but a few shades darker than my own. He was more tanned than Gabe and by no means less handsome. His eyes were bright blue, not the dark shade I thought and his always grinning mouth told me that he was going to be quite easy to talk to. 

Then again, he was a demon. Maybe that was how it was supposed to be. After all, you do catch more flies with honey than vinegar. I looked back at Gabe. He was the more mysterious and Nash looked more like a playboy no one could resist. It was a tribute to their incredible looks that I couldn’t think for a good five minutes. 

When I regained mental comprehension, I sighed inwardly. Them being so hot was not really helping the situation, it just made me super aware of the fact that I was currently covered in mud and looking as if I just won a scarecrow contest. 

But there was also something weird about them, like a swirl of power that surrounded them. It didn’t feel bad, necessarily, just wrong; as if the world was always in blacks and grays and then you find something in electric blue or ruby red. But the feeling that I felt before, a prickling on the nape of my neck, was gone.  Suddenly, I felt drained and so damn tired that I just wanted to rest. The rush of anger was fading and left something lethargic in its place. But I needed answers for now and the rest could wait.

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