Chapter 7: Discovery

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Chapter 7: Discovery

The Sunlight slowly drips through the bars of the darkened jail cell. Slowly, The light drenched through Shurara's Helmet in a signal of a wake up. The night had been slow and rather uneasy for both living individuals in the cell which was expected of them. The diclonian's fever just began to vanish gradually but this did not mean she was not still feeble in her current conditions. Signs of distress was a reoccurring thing among the chained diclonian because of her restraints confining her to the jail wall. Even though she did not express it verbally, It was clearly shown in her body's movements since She Refused to Speak.

Rubbing his eyes from behind his mask, Shurara let out a yawn as he watched the girl rise from her own restless slumber. The Diclonian did not seem much of a conversationalist which Shurara came to find out when he interrogated her which became nothing more than worthless effort. Even so, He would still pressure her into revealing what evil plot was stewing among her brain. The Girl locked her gaze on his movements like she had done the night prior, Her fingers grasping around the chains as if he were to come at her abruptly in a blind act of attack. Shurara did take note of her reactions and did his best not to trigger any unnecessary assaults.

Slowly, He made his way towards the cell door and quickly escaped into the hallway while taking precautions in locking the door. Right as Shurara began down the concrete hall, a familiar figure caught his eye slowly walking down with a tray filled with food. This wasn't Mekeke like before, instead, it was Nuii. Nuii was described to be a small keronian doll with a light orange skin and tan button eyes with plus sign like threads keeping them fixated on her fabric body. Her hat was merely the same color as her eyes and unlike the other members, Nuii was constantly avoid any source of food. Since she was a doll, She found food rather useless and preferred to cotton or other various stuffing materials that would could never be ingested by other living beings.

Much to his surprise, Nuii walked a little faster towards him while carefully balancing the tray of various breakfast foods towards Him. When she reached him, The tray began to visible shake as she awaited him to take it away from her grasp which he quickly took before she had a heart attack.  Shurara knew that food also made her very nausea if she didn't like the aroma which this was considered extremely odd since most dolls are not capable of smelling anything. Before he could even ask Nuii, She took off back upstairs before he began to yell which he had not even thought about doing since he was clearly exhausted. Either way, He brought his food upstairs and headed down to their usual breakfast spot which was the dining hall, of course. The other members hung their heads down as if they had done something wrong but in reality, They felt like they would only piss Shurara off more if they spoke of anything. He even looked at Mekeke, Who he had talked to last night, who was looking at his food like it was threatening his life.

Suddenly, Shurara sat his grub down in his usual spot and loudly cleared her throat to gain their attention. All Eyes on him led to him suddenly discussing about the girl which, to him, sounded very important to their own safety " The Diclonian we captured last night still has not informed us of their cruel intentions. As a result, They will be sent back to wherever they came from." Several groans and gasps escaped the members, even so He continued " For now, If anyone can get her to talk, That would help tremendously.  Currently, The Diclonian's Condition is rather poor which means I'll be assigning one person to bring her medicine, Checking her condition, Bringing food and reporting any suspicous activities that may occur during that time. I will also be assigning someone to be night watch outside her cell door but Since you all would fail such a simple task, I'll be assigning that to myself." He looked over at Kagege "You will be the one to bring the supplies to the girl."

"W-Wait, What? Why is it me?" Kagege Stammered back in confusion.

"Well, You can easily slip in using your shadows, So why not?"

"B-Because what if I die?!"

"You can't die. None of you can!" Shurara huffed in anger " Are you all forgetting you are statues that I brought to life? I am the reason you can't die and are moving right now!" He hissed "You guys bring it up every time and Yet Forget it? Can't you just leave the thought of dying alone?"

Mekeke softly sighed as he excused himself from the Table. He knew this lecture all too well and the parts where everyone brought up an excuse to Shurara. It was Simply tiring to the Poor statue. He simply wished for His Memories to Stop hurting him as He thought about his Creator. Was He A Real Memory? Or was He simply Something Shurara placed in his head to give hope?


A Prolonged beep leaked out from the speaker of a large computer system while various colors flashed from each screen. Within the room, Various scraps of metals and heaps of junk lay scattered all over the metal flooring along with various large towers seemingly connecting to the large computer. The long button filled keypad in front of the many computers seemed to click as the fingers of a unknown keronian continuously typed out long processes of numerous coding that would take decades for any other individual to carry out. Soon, The big screen lit up with footage seemingly from a high area but enough to catch a glimpse of something shooting down from the sky at high speed. With more frantic types,The screen enhanced as it continued playing the footage and a loud hitch escaped their breath as They Watched the figure step out from within the big pod. Within the room, a soft, frantic breath began with soft titters mixed between as they quickly typed more while talking to themselves "This will be a rather interesting reunion. Ku..ku...ku." They spoke while softly clutching a Red bow tie from within a drawer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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