Chapter 6: Captured

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Chapter 6: Captured

Within the mansion, The many chatters from the other members seemed to fill the air. Their curiosity over this strange girl was the main cause of their constant chatter. Nevertheless, Shurara did not let the conversations distract him from his newfound work. If this Girl was staying as prisoner then It was best to check up on her health. Her body seemed free of any cuts or Parasites but It was very clear she was sick. Blood samples were rather hard to collect from her as the needles frightened her easily. Shurara tried everything he could to reassure her from soft voices to forcefully pinning her arm. Tissue samples were the same as she wouldn't allow any sharp objects near her skin. It wasn't known at first of how ill she was until they did basic check up methods.

The strange girl seemed quite fine with the basic methods as if she had done this a million times. This did not mean she didn't fight with Shurara when being checked. Anytime she was asked to open her mouth or not to fidget, She did just that. It was clear she didn't care for Shurara at all.  However, She did not attack him. Normally a Diclonian would but something about this one was off. How come she would kill many other people but not some measly Corps leader? Its unknown currently why.

Now, Her fever's current state was pretty bad. It stayed at 102.7 and would not budge from said temperature. This stumped Shurara as he knew this girl needs a proper temperature of 98.6 which also happens to be a proper temperature for Humans. The fever connected to the girl's raging cough which seems to occur every few seconds. This was another problem during their inspection of health. Despite her relaxation during basic methods, It was a struggle to look inside her mouth without her trying to cough all over him. Everything was calm now that the check up was over yet Shurara felt like it certainly wasn't over. The blood sample he did manage to snag was nothing more than basic blood, Nothing unusual about any of it.

Diclonians were well-known throughout keron based on the rank of military. Leaders knew of these mutants for one reason only; They are used as last resort weapons during war. Their vectors are so strong that they could wipe out a whole squadron of soldiers without even flinching. Perhaps that's why she is here? It was all confusing to Shurara. If she was here because of that, wouldn't that mean Keron would have taken better care of the landing? Or even leave some note even if it wasn't meant for them? This newfound stress only made Shurara shake his head, leaning against the Jail room wall. He looked over at the Diclonian with confusion still swarming inside his skull. She was just laying on her blanket he provided her and didn't pay much to Shurara's presence. However, This did not mean she wouldn't jolt forward when she felt intimidated by unanticipated movements. With that being said, Shurara was extra careful with any of his gestures.

The cell door generated loud clatters as It slowly advanced open. A figure stood in the frame of the opening cell door with a tray. Shurara slowly looked over at the figure, Letting out a soft sigh "What's that? Who told you to bring it?" he asked with modest irritation within his voice. The corps members knew never to interrupt Shurara whenever he slogs upon anything. The being stepped forward into the light without hesitation and gave a small chuckle "Sorry, I felt maybe bring you something to eat would assist you in your work."

"Tch. You know damn well never to disrupt me whenever I do anything that involves concentration, Mekeke."

Mekeke, Setting the tray down on the nearby work bench, lets out another chortle but mixed with tension. He knew that would cost him a week in his room with no interaction except with Putata whenever he decided to pop in for a while.  With that aside, He turned his attention over to the collapsed girl "I didn't mean to startle her back there. I just felt she was like me. I-" He was cut off when Shurara let out a grunt "You know she's nothing like you. It doesn't matter if someone fucking has horns or Looks like a Statue, Mekeke. They aren't always the same as you or Anyone Else for that matter. I've told you this a million times. You Guys are different. That is why all of you are special to us. Well, You all are for a Reason. You are statues who can't truly die unless I die." He huffed

"Are you calling me stupid?" He hissed in disgust. The word 'Special' whenever it was discussed about him had always made him cringe. He wasn't special. It didn't matter if he was a Statue, He didn't deserve to be treated like he was 'Special'. He found himself clenching his fists while gritting his teeth which he allowed himself to slowly let go of his newfound rage. It was pointless to get upset right now especially in front of the girl who may or may not be awake now. Shurara now took a deep breath as he gazed over Mekeke's form "No, You know I would never use the term in a negative way towards you. Don't try picking fights right now. You wouldn't win anyway. I'm not in the mood and never will be." He flickered his summoned weapons a few times in a threatening manner before going back in a relax posture "Besides, I am more concerned with this girl."

"Did you find out where she came from? Or her purpose her? Does she know anything about the keroro platoon we could use?"

"No, I don't have the slightest clue where she came from. She doesn't seem to react very well to conversation unless its anything about 'Freedom' which I don't understand." Shurara looked down at the girl's sleeping figure while he spoke "I think she escaped. It should be impossible to preform such an act with such high security and impassible confine. Perhaps something went wrong when she fled." His legs suddenly bend a little from being up too long "What kills me is the fact she doesn't act like any other diclonian I've seen. Normally, a diclonian under military command will respond to any situation calmly, She acted very scared and rash. They also are taken care of way better and have higher immune systems. That's what really concerned me. She's running a fever of 102.7 which is proof she has a lower immune system."

"Do you think they may have given her a poor environment from the other Diclonian?" Mekeke bent over the girl without hesitation, knowing he couldn't die anyway. Even so, Shurara still reached over and pulled him back "Don't be stupid right now, get away from her. As for your question, Its suspected. Something must be wrong with her. I'll confront the weapon book and see if she was listed upon it. That might be our only explanation over her weak system. For now, We need to keep a good eye on her. We really don't need anyone else sick or a dead female in our base."

Mekeke twiddled his thumbs slightly before giving a small smile "U-Understood. I'll leave you to your work then. I'm sorry for bothering you." He looked over at the tray he had set down before running off. Shurara shook his head before letting out a soft sight. He now turned his attention to the tray Mekeke had brought in. It contained a few sweet treats Shurara enjoyed tremendously . A small smile spreads on his face beneath his helmet "Thanks Mekeke. I'll be sure to eat them soon"

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