Chapter 2: Devils?

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Chapter 2: Devils?

The sound of heavy breathing filled a single room. The moonlight leaked in through the open windows along with a simple breeze. A strange male keronian sat up in bed with his face in his hands. His single golden eye filling with tears but he blinked them away as he feared he would show weakness. His name was Mekeke . Now,You might be asking yourself again, Why is He so odd? Well, He has some Weird Abilities with his Strings and some Knowledge of Magic. It was a secret he kept from anyone who he didn't trust except his leader. When he was just a baby, He was abandoned among the doorsteps of many people but He was Truly Nothing more than a Statue that was Just Created. He grew up alone without anyone around to teach him who he was. Shurara, the leader of Shurara Corps, discovered Mekeke when he was only a few months Just Crafted among many other Statues in an Abandoned mansion from another family abandoning him and many other statues.  He had always been use to being abandoned by a family every so often that it surprises him, even to this day, that someone actually kept him. It was always the same excuses when he was abandoned 'He too much money' , 'He's not very smart looking.' or 'He doesnt cost much" The thought of these excuses made Mekeke question himself but made Shurara cringe in disgust.

Mekeke never knew who his Creator was that crafted him but he often could see buried in his mind, a creature who looked so sad to see him. Mekeke took a deep breath and tried to think about something else. It was the same dream every night; He would be alone in a shrouded forest. Desperate cries for help would echo out from every angle, no matter where he turned. When he tried to follow, A voice would tell him it was too late and that they were already dead. If he did not already wake up then, it would continue with himself finding a corpse clutching a photo of him and some girl but he never got a good look. He never knew who or what it was tortuously continuing every night but it was slowly getting to him.

His roommate and best friend, Putata, was still fast asleep in his bed. He didn't seem to be easily awoken even if Mekeke whispered his name as he was a heavy sleeper. The window was open still, He could smell the fresh night air. Mekeke wasted no time as he crawled out the window and onto the roof of the Base. The moon was full and bright tonight which made Mekeke grow calm. His gold eye seemed to Glow bright the more he stared at the Bright moon as if it was calling him. Yet, His sorrow still grew the more he thought about his dream. He wanted to know more. He wanted to See more. He wanted to love more. 

A single Falling Star Caught his eye as it shot across the sky. Earth's sky always seemed to be filled with stars. This one seemed on the other hand seemed off. He squints to see it closer only to realize it wasn't a star. Whatever It was crashed in the distance, Causing Half the city in the distance to awake in a panic. Putata poked his head out the window in a panic, That seemed to awake him "What the fuck yo? What was that? It wasn't Yo was it? We know how yo get when shit don't go yo way." He Gave Mekeke A Look but it was in a joking way mixed with concern. It wasn't like Mekeke hadn't Exploded anything in the past as he grew accustomed with Shurara. He remembered a time he accidentally made blew up half the base with some Of His strings when he didn't get anything good for supper. He had never gotten the hang of magic or his Strings on the first couple weeks of his training anyway. Everyone else seemed fine with it except him. It was common now for Mekeke to fuck up his magic.

Shurara's voice seemed faint as he yelled from his room. He needed everyone to suit up and head out to investigate incase it was a keron weapon. 

Mekeke let out a soft sigh before he heads inside.

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