Chapter 4: Saving her life

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ALiVE - Chapter 4

Tomomi was lying on the floor with bleeding neck. House was empty, but the lights were all turned on.

Mami ran to the girl:

-Is he going to attack all of us? First aim was me, now Tomo, I'm afraid that next one will be you.. -she said and looked up at rina. - Now help me to take her to the sofa. - called Mami and they both layed Tomomi on the chair. 

Then Rina ran to the bathroom to take some bandage. At that time Mami was trying to stop the blood. Her hands were all red. She was holding little bowl with water and washing Tomo's neck.

When her face and neck becae clear, Mami saw some teeth marks:

-Here it is Mami, bandage, i can't find any other medicine. -  said Rina, but Mami didn't say a word and waved her hand to Rina to come closer, she showed marks on Tomomi's neck:

0It looks like human's teeth.

-Yes, it does. I think she was bitten by that "changed human"/

-Again, changed human?!

-Sorry, zombie, i forgot! - yelled Mami.


-And, i wonder how "zombie" could get into her house, where were her parents?!

-Well, maybe her parents were at grandparents or something..- said Rina.

-Maybe, but i don't think so.... it's somehow connected to the game, but i don't know how..-Mami was talking very quietly.

-Look, she's not breathing anymore!! Do something! - screamed Rina.

Girls started to get nervous. They didn't know what to do. Mami was holdin Tomomi's head and was making tishifant breathe. Rina was shaking her body, but nothing was happening.

Suddenly she remembered:

-Mami, this is a game right?


-Then, we've same skills as in the computer, and...

-And we can heal her! - exclaimed Mami. She opened menu and started to search for the medicine, but there wasn't any:

-I don't have anything! Just ask for your inventory, i mean just open your menu, choose some clothes and weapon and maybe you can find some healing stuff.

Rina didn't want to pick some weapon, but it was alraedy necessary. Situation became too dangerous. She could become next aim of Hisashi. So, Rina picked one big sword. Then started to search for medicine and after some minutes she finally found it.

Chance to save Tomomi's life was 50 - 50. but they had to try no matter what.

Medicine was like a tea or something to drink. Rina held Tomomi's head. Mami started to pour medicine into girl's mouth. 

10 minutes have passed. Nothing was happening:

-Why isn't she moving already?! or breathing? - nervously started to talk Rina.

-Don't lose hope. I'm sure she'll be alright! - said Mami quitely.

Again, 10 minutes have passed. Mami started to get nervous as Rina. They both got close to Tomomi and started shaking her.

-Maybe we shall try medicine again? - Suggested Rina, Mami noded and poured the drink into Tomo's mouth.

Suddenly she started to caught and opened her eyes.

-She can breathe! - screamed Mami and Rina at the same time.

-Yeah, i can... i can breathe...

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