Chapter 1: Reality doesn't exist anymore?

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ALiVE - Chapter 1

It was just winter's one ordinary day. Weather was bad, sun was hidden behind the clouds, streets were totally empty:

-I'm off! - she shouted.
-Okay sweetie! Don't be late! Today's very important day! - answered woman from the kitchen.

She was running very fast and all the way was holding mobile phone. After girl reached one little house she stopped:
-Mamitasu! I'm over here! Come out!
-I'm coming! - replied another one from the window.

After 5 minutes both of them were running with holding hands. Like at first, they reached the 3rd house and one of them shouted:
-Rinari, we are here!
-Okay, wait a sec! - They quickly got reply and all of them went to the bus stop.
It was cold outside, aslo very strong wind, so, girls were in big, warm coats, boots, holding colorful umbrellas:
-You know Tomo, we don't look like college students...-said one of them
-Agree, Mami..-answered girl.
-Well, at least we don't look as stupid as Yuno does.
-Right Tina, we look more stupid..

At that time, bust stopped in front of them:
-Hello girls! - greeted driver.
-Hi Naomi san!
-To the college, right?
-Right..-answered all of them and sat ddown in the back row.

After 15 mins, they already were in the building. Looked like because of bad weather lot of students were staying at home:
-Today i can't be online..
-WHY? - exclaimed two of the girls.
-We have serious battle, remember?
-Yeah, but we have important event in my family too! - answered Tomomi.
-What kind of event? Don't tell me it's your grandma's or grandpha's birthday..
-No , my brother finished college and we're going to celebrtae it.
-Well, how about playing after party? Will it be too late?
-I guess it won't be late. 8 o'clock! Okay Mamichuu? But i don't think you can wait so long..- giggled Tomo.
-For ALiVE, i can do anything! My little zombies are waiting for me, to end up their "lifes" with my sword or...-She didn't finish sentence, because one of them started to talk to her angrily:
-You're crazy Mami, i haven't seen a person that is addicted to that stupid game as you! 
-Who are you saying this to Rinari, aren't you playing that "stupid game" too? - laughed Mami.
-Thats..That's other thing...
-Oh, about the zombies, here she comes, our zombie princess... -suddenly whispered Tomo.
-Yep, here she is to make our lifes more awful, Yuno Kisaragi, what a pleasure.. -Yelled Mami.
-No, Mami! Shut up! - Whispered Tomo and covered Mami's mouth with her hands.
-Thank you Mami, now we have to listen her annoying talking about how much losers we are.. - puffed Rina.

Girl in the red, short dress, with long black came close to these three:
-So, girls were you talking about me? 
-You know, yeah, we were talking how beautiful you are today! - answered Mami with sarcasm. 
-Oh, thank you Mami chan! Jealous? Wel.. of course you're.. None of you will look like me..
-Of course Yuno, you're the navel of the world..-Said Rina.

-huh..little losers. -whispered Yuno and went away.

Mami turned to Rina, when zombie princess left them:
-Navel of the world? Seriously?
-What? I think that wa pretty awesome to describe her...-giggled Tomomi.

*After 3 hours*

Girls met each other in front of the college's door. Tomomi ran before them so, she left Rina and Mami. They weren't talking on the way to home, but when they reached Rina's home, Mami siad:
-8 o'clock?
-8 o'clock! 
-Don't worry about my addictivity to the game .. - smiled Mami and headed to her house.
-Mami! - Suddenly shouted Rina.
-Yeah, what? -Mamitasu turned around.
-Thank you!
-For what? - Mami got interested.
-For everything..-She replied and went in the house.

"Wow, she's really weird.."  

Mami continued to walk. Finally arrived at home. She pulled out the keys from pocket and opened the door. House was all empty and dark. Girl started to walk through the rooms:
-I preserved everything you left like, mom..

*At that time at Tomomi's house*

-Mom, i'm back! Where's Aoi?
She dropped her bag on the sofa and headed to the kitchen. Her mother was making some meals:
-He'll be at home  in some minutes, go and prepare everything in the living room.

Tomo stood up and started to decorate the room. Then everyone hided behind the sofas and tables. After some seconds young boy came in:
-Congrats!! - Shouted at the same time family!
-Congrats Aoi kun! - Said Tomo and hugged him. - Well, i celebrated this event, gotta do homeworks, she said and ran upstairs. It was already 8 o'clock. Girl turned on the computer, put her headphones on too.
-Aww, thank you..-whispered Tomo.-Wait, what? I'm already talking to a computer..
She opened video chat and soon Rina and Mami came in too:

-Girls, i'm ready! Be careful you little disgusting creations..-yelled Mami.
-Gosh, when will she calm down?! - Said Rina and put her headphones on.
-Yosh! Good luck guys! - Shouted Tomomi and all of them opened the game.

*Sign in: Mamitasu/Rinari/Timo*
*You've been looged in succesfully"

Girls chose the inventary:clothes, weapons and started to play. 

Mami was playing like a mad murderer. She was killing all the zombies that were standing on her way:
-Woah! Mamitasu you're in action today! - laughed Tomomi
-Yooshii!!! - Shouted Mami.

After hour of playing suddenly the screen became black and expressed some kinds of codes on it:
-What's happening? - exclaimed Rina.
-Don't worry, maybe the program is unloaded? - asked Tomomi.
-I don't think so girls..It's something serious..-whispered Mami.

Suddenly, weird atmosphere fermented through the girls' rooms:
-What a strange feeling..-said Rina.
-Agree, that happened to Me too.. -noded Tomomi.-Mami?
Mami wans't answering.. Tomomi looked in the cam and she couldn't see her:
-Where's Mami? Rina, Where's Mami? Can you see her?
-No.. Mami! Mami! - Shouted Rina.
-Look, stay here, i'll run to her and see what's happened, okay?
-Okay! take care of yourself Tomo!

Tomomi quickly jumped up from the chair, put on her coat and ran out of the house. She was running like there was no tomorrow. 

When girl reached the house, she opened door fastly, ran upstairs and saw Mami on the floor. Her hand was bleeding hardly:
-Oh no, Mami! Mami! - Her eyes got full of tears. She ran to her friend and holded in her arms to see what was wrong with Mami. The skin was tripped of her hand and the blood was shedding hardly. 

Tomomi ran into the bathroom, took ointment, bandage, scissors, came back to body lying on the floor. She started to wound treatment. Then took Mami to the bed and layed her.
-Don't die Mami! - Whispered Tomo while was crying and holding Mamitasu's hand. 

Passed 10 minutes.. Tomomi fell asleep, while holding Mami's hand. Suddenly something moved, girl woke up and saw that Mami was moving her fingers. Her eyes were opened:
-MAMI! - Shouted Tomo and hugged her strongly.
-Ouch! My arm! - Yelled Mami.
-I'm Sorry..Sorry.. So, what happened to you?
-Well, i was looking at the screen, than touched it and i can't remember more..
-That's really weird..-Said Tomomi, stood up and got to the black screen, there was a sign:

"Can you stay ALiVE?!"


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