Chapter 4: Unexpected School Lunch

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Im a mess...

Read on.. and I'll fix this later ^^

Nevaeh's Pov:

"Wait wait wait wait" Mandi, also known as my best friend stated loudly "Hold up." She's a natural red head but hates her hair so she dies it a chestnut brown.

She's 5'6" (an inch taller than me) and has a boney body. Well it's a good thing were in the cafeteria or else the whole world would know.

We were standing impatiently in the long line waiting to get our lunch.

"The Logan Sparks is living in your house for the next 2 months!" She exclaimed not believing a word I had just said. Is he really that known I mean he goes to school in the town next to us. I bobbed my head up and down as she just stared wide eyed.

I paid for my lunch and waited for Mandi to pay.

We made our way back to our table which is all the way in the top right corner. It's a circle table and is supposed to fit only 5 people, but somehow we manage to fit like 10.

"But...what about... Jason?" She whispers glancing around to see if he was in ear shot.

I slouched back in my chair not even interested in the food I've just bought. Jason, oh how I hate that name. Jason's my boyfriend.

I've wanted to break up with him for so long, but I just can't. And I can't for a reason, in which you'll understand pretty soon.

"I-I don't know" I stuttered. She sighed and pushed her tray forward. And as if on cue the devil finds me. Well of course he found me; I've sat at this table since freshman year.

"Sup babe" He says and plants a sloppy kiss on my cheek. I resist the urge to wipe it away and just smiled cheekily instead.

His slightly long brown hair was smoothly planted on his head, and his brown eyes had no emotion in them at all. He roughly pulls out the chair next to me and plopped his butt in it. He wrapped his arm around the back of my chair.

I roll my eyes making sure he didn't notice first while Mandi just sipped her milk feeling awkward. Every day I prayed that I won't have to see him ever again. You can see how well that worked out.

"Did they fade?" Jason's voice whispered into my ear. I jumped slightly but not noticeably. "No...not yet" I said barely getting the words out.

I hate when we talk about this in front of Mandi. I mean she is clueless to not even realize.

"I'm sorry baby you know I am" He pleaded still whispering. I stayed silent, like always. If I said anything it would just happen again.

I store into his cold eyes trying to determine whether he's lying or not. Either way I already know the answer.

"What's he doing here?" Jason snarled saying 'he' as if it was poison. His eyes were full of fury and his fists tightened around my hand. I follow his eyes to catch sight of the guy I newly live with.

Mandi gasped and clamped her mouth shut in my direction. What's he doing here?

I watched as his eyes roamed around the room until finally they stopped at me. He pushed his way past his fan girls, and wanna-be best friends. His sleek black leather jacket hung nicely over his shoulders and his faded jeans fit snugly.

His eyes didn't drop contact from mine as he continued his way over to my table.

Wait a second my table?! My eyes widened and my stomach flipped into tight knots that wouldn't go away and I glanced at Mandi who was practically drooling and shitting herself at the same time.

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