Chapter 1: Deal Or No Deal?

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My feet pounded against the gravel as I ran like my life depended on it. I turn around to see if the officer was still following me. He was a few ways back but he was catching up fast. I look around the center of town and took the closest turn. Yes! He'll never catch up now! Take that you donut eating monster! I chuckled quietly to myself. 

My breathing was quickening by the minute. Sweat was threatening to drip right off my forehead. How far is this guy going to go!? Jeez it was just some stupid graffiti. I have to show off my art skills somehow... It did look pretty amazing too. I smiled cheekily as I remembered the perfectly drawn fat police officer eating a donut. 

I jogged through the small alley panting for breath. I'm not that much of a runner. I did wrestling not track, big difference. It was really late out, around midnight. It was hard to see anything that wasn't two feet in front of me. 

Unfortunately that was a bad thing. My body smashed against something hard. It defiantly wasn't a person, a wall maybe? A wall?! What?! I'm so stupid everybody knows this is a dead end. Why wasn't I thinking? You are so stupid. 

My head throbbed making my mind a little fuzzy. I looked around me desperately searching for an escape. I see nothing absolutely nothing, except some trash. I hear quick footsteps pounding on the tar behind me. 

Ughh! Why do I have to be so unlucky...and stupid? I groaned in frustration running my hands down my face. They left a trail of sweat on my cheeks as I harshly tried to wipe it off.  

The footsteps slowed down and then came to a complete stop. I didn't want to turn around. But I knew I was already caught. Well it won't be my first time, and it probably won't be my last.

"Well what do we have here?" The cocky familiar voice echoed through the alley. 

I turn around to look at the officer and it was exactly who I thought it was. His arms were crossed and his head was cocked to the side with a grin spread across his face. I glared at him and recognition finally hit him. 

"Well I should've known it would've been you Sparks" He muttered shaking his head slightly. He looked amused by all this; well he wasn't the only one. I know he saw the nice mural I made of him back there. 

"I drew you a pretty portrait back there Officer Parker, did you like it?" I say amused while using my award winning smirk. I was starting to breath normally again. He was the only cop in the whole city that could actually catch me in my acts. I think he stalks me. 

He chuckled slightly taking a few steps forward. I realized he wasn't even sweating or out of breath. What the hell? 

"I personally think it looked just like you" I spit out before he can reply. 

"Really because I'm not the one sweating buckets, or the one who decided to escape the cops using a dead end" He shot back. His grin grew bigger, if possible. I glared at him harder.

I opened my mouth to shot back a comeback but he beat me to it. 

"You know the routine Sparks, hands behind your sweaty back" He chuckled while standing behind me, keeping my arms in place. Of course I knew the routine this is a weekly thing for me. Last week I stole a police car. That was one hard case to get out of, but I have my ways. Did I forget to mention my mother was the mayor of this city?

I tuned him out as he was saying something, probably my rights. He walked me back to his police car, which somehow moved to just outside the alley. I was going to ask how but then I saw his partner jump out of the driver's seat. 

I didn't even try to fight back. Besides I'm already tired, and I wouldn't be able to run much farther. His partner opened the door for me gesturing me inside. I scowled at him before making myself comfy in the back of the familiar cop car. I'm neither scared nor nervous. This is my weekly routine.  I sank down in my seat closing my eyes but forcing myself to stay awake.

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