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My feet pounded against the gravel as I ran like my life depended on it. I turn around to see if the officer was still following me. He was a few ways back but he was catching up fast. I look around the center of town and took the closest turn. Yes! He'll never catch up now! Take that you donut eating monster! I chuckled quietly to myself. 

My breathing was quickening by the minute. Sweat was threatening to drip right off my forehead. How far is this guy going to go!? Jeez it was just some stupid graffiti. I have to show off my art skills somehow... It did look pretty amazing too. I smiled cheekily as I remembered the perfectly drawn fat police officer eating a donut. 

My body smashed against something hard. It definitely wasn't a person, a wall maybe? A wall?! What?! I'm so stupid everybody knows this is a dead end. Why wasn't I thinking? You are so stupid.

Logan Sparks is the cities bad boy. He's gone from robbing stores to stealing cop cars. But what happens when Officer Parker helps him. Yeah, you read that right Officer Parker offers him the option to help him around his house for a month or to go to jail for all the illegal things he has done. Logan may be stupid but not that stupid and agrees. But soon Officer Parkers's daughter, Carson, comes home from Paris. Logan soon learns what Carson goes through each day with her abusive boyfriend who just so happens to be his arch nemesis. Logan tries to help her while dealing with his own problems. People from the past show up, leaving Logan confused and hurt. Can Logan last the next two months or will he go to jail where he belongs?

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