I am the Captain now.

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Brynjolf tapped her back as Edward put the drinks on the table. She sat up and wiped at her eyes quickly. Her and Brynjolf noticed the two extra drinks that Edward had bought over. Before either of them could say anything Edward spoke.

"Mary is awake and wants to talk to you both. Anne is bringing her down right now" just as Edward finished speaking the door to the tavern opened and there stood Mary, leaning up against Anne for support. She was now looking a bit better, she was wearing a white v neck blouse and some cloth trousers. They slowly made their way over. Next to the table pressed against the wall was a bench, Anne gently sat Mary down on the bench and took a seat next to her. Mary rested her head on Anne's shoulder and smiled at everybody.

"It's nice to see you awake and looking better" Ireth quirked smiling at the tired woman.

"Ay, she's right" Brynjolf nodded.

"Anne told me to stay in bed but I couldn't ,I wanted to come and thank you both. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here and I can not express that enough" she said sincerely.

"Well I wasn't going to waltz out of that door and leave you in here. Your story really moved me and I couldn't just let you rot in there. I don't care if you're a mass murderer, that wouldn't have been fair. I've probably done worse things than anyone sitting at this table so who am I to judge" Ireth shrugged reaching over and grabbing a tankard of rum.

"We are pirates and Assassin's we pillage and plunder other ships and we assassinate those that our a threat to our family. what can be worse than that" Mary laughed.

"Sounds like you lass" Brynjolf laughed nudging Ireth's shoulder. The other three at the table all looked towards her with eyebrows raised.

"This little lass here is a multitude of things." he ruffled her hair. Ireth turned bright red and took a deep gulp of the liquid in the tankard before her.

"I am rather confused now" Anne mumbled scratching the back of her neck.

"I told you these two were weird" Mary whispered into Anne's ear.

"Care to explain..?" Edward asked looking at Ireth.

"It's okay lass, I'll explain for you" Brynjolf winked, Ireth just rolled her eyes over the rim of the tankard.

"Our little family is know as the Thieves Guild, we get contracts to botch numbers in business ledgers, steal items that shouldn't be in their hands, cause terror and fear for those that double cross us or don't pay what they owe, all things that involve thievery. Then there is the service to the Daedric Princes. They all stand for different things, we have a Daedric Prince that guards the Guild, Nocturnal the Daedric prince of Twilight. If she should be called upon you have to face her with a deal. Like all Daedric princes. We had to call upon her once and now myself and Effy are bound to serve her in life and in death. We are what's known as the Nightingales. The Companions have a similar story. They have an inner circle, a select few that are bestowed with the gift of Hircine, Daedric Prince of the hunt and father of man beasts. Mary has witnessed what that is like first hand" Brynjolf nodded towards Mary.

"That was utterly terrifying" Mary shuddered at the memory. Edward and Anne eyed Mary suspiciously.

"The Companions take on contracts to help people with infestations or if a wild animal is reigning havoc they go and sort that out. There are a lot more Princes that our lovely little lass serves but there are too many tell about in one story." Brynjolf took a breath, grabbed a tankard off the tray and took a big gulp, cringing as it burnt his chest upon swallowing.

"I don't mean to interrupt, but when we were in that prison I overheard you say something about betraying the guild for the brotherhood" Mary spoke up.

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