Comfort comes in different forms.

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They headed for the door, once outside they found a little table on the deck with a few stools. Everyone sat on the table.

"So..." Edward started. "I'm guessing you people are not from around here, so you will have questions as will I." Edward started.

"Yes" Brynjolf and Ireth said in unison.

"Okay, I'll start first" Edward announced.

"What's your name and Where are you from..?" Edward asked pointing at Brynjolf.

"The name's Brynjolf, I am from the hold of Riften in Skyrim" he answered matter of fact. Edward nodded his head slowly, then turned to Ireth. "And you?" He asked.

"Ireth Simulairé, originally from the Summerset Isles but moved to Skyrim for reasons." Ireth spoke.

"Okay," Edward said slowly. "I don't mean this to come off offensive but you defiantly don't look like you fit in around here" Edward pulled a funny face. Ireth was about to leap over the table at him for offending her race of people but Brynjolf had already put a hand to her chest to stop her from getting up. Then again what was there to get mad at...? Currently the Aldmeri Dominion had the Empire in its grasp with the White Gold concordat and were doing terrible things to the poor people that called Talos a god. The Aldmeri Dominion had also done some treacherous things to Ireth's family in the past, that lead her to despise the Dominion, probably more so then Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak and General Tullis put together.

"I am a Nord, and my lass here is an Altmer or High elf, with a fiery temper and a title that most didn't know still existed until she showed up" Brynjolf smiled.

"How did you get here...?" Edward asked quickly and quietly.

"We were on a ship travelling to Raven Rock, guild business, then all of a sudden the sky became dark and forbidding, the sea got rough, didn't know which direction we were going as we were thrown about the ship. I'm guessing it knocked both of us out and when we woke up we were greeted by your friend and in chains" Ireth spoke. Edward sat there trying to process what he had just heard, they were not from around here, maybe not even from this planet, but that spiked his interests and he knew that Mary and Anne would want to hear about their world, they were always interested in that stuff.

"Okay I think that's it for questions, as I can tell you are from somewhere else, Mary and Anne will also want to hear all about it" Edward nodded. "I'm going to get drinks" he stood quickly and made his way inside.

Ireth raised both eyebrows and watched as he disappeared through the door. "I am at a loss for words, I am rather confused and that was rather rude" staring off to where Edward had been only moments before. "Did I do something that I didn't notice Bryn..?" Ireth asked shifting her eyes to get a good Brynjolf, squinting her bad eye she lent on the table.

"Stop pulling that dreadful face lass. If I was being tortured for information and they showed me that face I would talk in no time and not that I noticed" he replied looking out towards the docks.

"Bryn...?" Ireth called softly from her seat, he hummed in response letting her know that he had heard her, eyes still trained on the people loading cargo onto the ships.

"I..I'm scared" she mumbled while looking down at her callous hands, tracing her skin pattern on her palms with one finger. Brynjolf gulped hard, when she was scared it was time for him to be scared. But the Nord and Altmer hated showing their feelings saying it was a sign of weakness. Ireth had pulled Brynjolf through a few situations he found himself frightened in and he was always grateful, she was his rock. But now his rock was frightened and so was he. They were in a foreign place, with foreign people and didn't know where they actually stood. Being stripped of their weapons and armour also gave them a huge hit, it gave them some semblance of home but now, but looking on the bright side at least they had each other and for that they were thankful.

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