Something's are better left unsaid.

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"Good, now that's settled how about we bust out of here" Ireth said jumping to her feet, rattling her chains and feeling the adrenaline pumping through her body, igniting every pore, coursing through her veins. She knows what she has to do and in order to do it she needs to feel the pump. She paced about the cell well as far as she could manage with being restricted.

"And how will we do that...?" Mary asked quietly, softly biting her bottom lip, once the question had left her lips she wished she didn't ask it.

"She has a gift, a gift that was bestowed upon her by the Daedric Prince of the Hunt, Hircine" Brynjolf said. "Now if you want to make it out of here alive then I suggest that for this you close your eyes until I tell you to open them, and when you do open them that you remain calm. Once we make it out of here I shall explain everything, even though it might not make sense" Brynjolf told Mary to close her eyes and she did just that, but she was peeking from under her dark eyelashes.

"Now Effy I need you to relax and focus on what I am about to tell's not going to be nice" Brynjolf instructed. He heard Ireth take a deep breath and the chains hit the floor. Mary listened intently to what Brynjolf was telling Ireth to do.

"Now...right now Alduin is reeking havoc again in Tamriel. You didn't really defeat him and he has risen again. He is attacking Lakeview Manor, in search of YOU. Lydia, Rayya and Farkas are trying to fight him. Rayya has fallen with a horrendous gash to her ribcage, Alduin had swiped her with one of his black talons. Lydia is barely alive, covered in blood, cowering behind her shield. Her breathing is laboured. She isn't aware of her situation until Alduin swipes her down, breaking all of her bones under foot. Farkas is trying his hardest to fight on his own. Alduin's head has reared round, Farkas has stopped his charge as he stares into the ruby eyes of the world eater. Alduin's maw falls open as the fire rises from his chest, flows from his throat, Farkas tried to duck out of the way. He is too late and he is now burning alive, screaming in agony as his flesh is melting from his bone and muscle, calling YOUR name in vain. Once Farkas falls Alduin turns to the Manor calling for the Dovahkiin. When there is no answer he burns YOUR house to the ground." Brynjolf's elaborate story has set Ireth up. He can hear her heavy laboured breathing, he is getting her to where she needs to be.

"Once your house is finally reduced to cinder and ash, he takes to the sky in search of everything and everyone you love, he goes to find the first thing he can think of. Paarthurnax and Odaviing sit on the top of the throat of the world. Engaged in idle conversation, Alduin doesn't even give them a fleeting glance and he dives towards the leader of the greybeards, maw open and ready to strike. Before Paarthurnax comes to his senses Alduin's jaw has locked round the younger brothers neck, putting a substantial amount of pressure on before his neck snaps. Alduin drops the white dragon to the snow covered mountain, his vivid red blood dripping into the crisp white snow and turns to Odahviing. After a quick couple of strikes at lightening speed the winged snow hunter falls like his brother before him. Now both of Alduin's past comrades have fallen all because YOU were not there to face him" Brynjolf moved into the far corner of the room, away from the wall that kept him from Ireth. Mary still peaked through her lashes, tears cascaded down her cheeks as she listened to the terrible things Brynjolf was telling her.

Ireth's mouth twitched up into a snarl. The chains attached to her body strained against the cobblestone as her body started to change form. There came an earth shattering and ear splitting roar from cell. The chains fell from the walls as her body pulled taunt, her skin melded with shaggy blonde fur. Her face changed into a long snout, razor sharp pointed teeth sat behind the dark leather looking lips. Her amber eye was a sickly yellow, and the white eye looked a dark grey. Her limbs became long making her even taller than she already was. Her feet and hands grew to the size of dinner plates, both equipped with razor sharp claws. The last thing to develop was the tail that hung between her legs.

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