Chapter Fourteen - Dinner table riots and bitter tongues

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Chapter Fourteen


"What are you doing over the weekend?"

Sighing down the phone to my father as I reply "Nothing special I guess"

"Great lets have a nice family dinner!" Sensing the sarcasm in his voice.

"Really I thought you hated Billie?"

"I do but that doesn't mean we can't survive an evening."

Agreeing as I put the phone down, looking over to Billie; clearing my throat "My dad wants to invite your parents and us for dinner..."

"He still doesn't like me though does he?"

"Unfortunately no."

He rolls his eyes pulling me into a hug "I don't see why he doesn't y'know..." Giving him a look as he continues "So you were sixteen at the time hardly a shock."

Kissing him before running upstairs to get ready. Arriving to an open door and smiling face "Mr Stevens."

"Billie and you must be mr and mrs Armstrong?"

Ollie smiling "Ollie is fine."

Guiding everyone to the dining room as my dad enters the kitchen; settling down as Ollie chirps "It's ever so lovely to sit down with new family."

Billie blushing "Mom, please?"

"All your brothers and sisters have left home it's wonderful to have a younger one."

Turning to Billie burying his head in his hands; my dad going in and out with food before finally joining us. Billie playing with his food kicking him under the table his mum probably doing the same as he gives us both a look. My father attempting to start conversation "How are you all?"

Ollie loving the family atmosphere "Wonderful it's great to finally meet you Billie seemed a bit hesitant in asking."

He smirks "Yes, me and Billie got off on the wrong foot as you can see from my point of view my daughter was only sixteen."

His mum nodding as she tries to hide the little smile towards Billie; you wouldn't even have to ask to know they were related.

Passing a note under the table watching as he unfolds it "Bullshit!"
Everyone glaring at him as he apologises, Ollie asking "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah I left something in the oven...but it's turned off."

Silence filling the room as his mum gasps "Billie what have I told you!"

His face turning to shock "You weren't supposed to work it out."

"Of course I would I've been there done that; honestly you pick now of all times."

"She started it!"

"And I just finished it."

My father looking around confused as he looks over to me for an explanation; picking up the crumpled up note. "Please tell me this is a joke."

Billie laughing nervously "No."

For once he wasn't mad at Billie "I try to bring you up and protect you from boys like him and you run fall straight into his trap."

Ollie becoming defensive "Protecting from boys like him? I'll have you know my son is a very caring young man unlike yourself I come to see why your marriage didn't work out!"

Billie and I standing at the side gobsmacked as we show ourselves out who'd have thought being pregnant would cause so much drama.


Sat in the back of my parents car Ella sat beside me; my mom turning in her seat "You two alright?"

"We're fine."

Her voice softening as she says to Ella "Sorry for being rude love but it's a mothers job to protect her children and hopefully one day you'll do the same." Ella smiling as we arrive home, the first thing falling out my mouth being "I'm sorry for fucking your life up." Hugging her as she whispers in my ear "It's ok 'cause now we're all outsiders."

Being hit with fatherhood like a bus I guess it's time I grew up a little but what's the fun of having children if don't act like one.

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