Coffee & Thoughts

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Seconds part of Caught...Requested by Food_Is_Meh_Drug 

Hope you like it!

     "Do you want coffee?" 

      Those words replayed in your head countless times. The fact that your mouth was slightly agape made you seem ill. You heard those words once more before Jared snapped his fingers, tearing you from your thoughts.

     "Hello? Earth to Y/N." he said. A grin appeared on his face when he saw that he'd gotten your attention. You were at a loss for words. There was no way he actually wanted to get coffee with you, it seemed so unrealistic. It felt like you were stuck in some cliche fanfiction written by a desperate teenager. 

     " Huh?" You spit the words out, not knowing how to respond to such a simple question. 

     "You don't have to, it was just a thought," he said. He looked a little uneasy, maybe even nervous now. Now that you knew what he meant, you composed yourself to respond. It was pathetic, you had to give yourself a pep talk to say...

     "Oh, yeah sure. I can." The awkward pauses throughout the sentence didn't help, but you'd done it. You'd agreed, and your reward was coffee with Jared Leto. 


     "So, you write. Do you just write about my alternate personality or..." he says. You had just been seated at a booth in the restaurant he'd chosen. You'd expected to meet at a local cafe, but he insisted on taking you to a more "posh" version of Starbucks. 

     You laughed at the question, the tension already removed from the conversation. "No, today was an exception. I'm an English major, so I write for practice," you say. He seemed interested, so you weren't afraid of saying to much. 

     "English? Never been my favorite subject, but I love the outcome. What're you doing right now, when it comes to jobs." 

     Touchy subject, but I'll go with it. 

     "I'm a college drop out, but decided to get my life back together. I'm working a minimum wage job that barely supports me, let alone my needy roommate. My parents and I don't speak anymore, so I get no financial support from them," you explain. His eyes widen a bit, you must've said too much. 

     "God, sounds rough," he says sympathetically. 

     "Well, I don't get everything handed to me on a silver platter, that's for sure." You say this subtly nodding his direction. 

     "Ouch," he laughs. You laugh along with him, pleased that he saw that you were joking. "That's not fair, we work to get where we are!"

     You raise your hand to your heart and open your mouth in mock offense. "Who says I don't work?" You both laugh again. To your surprise, he seemed very easy-going. Despite being a celebrity, he seems to lead a very "chill", humble life.

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