Traffic Pt. 2

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I suggest reading Part One First. It wouldn't make much since otherwise. ~ Jordyn

The Day of Jared's Audition

He's gonna do great. Right? But what if he doesn't get the part? Oh no...

     You force yourself to push those thoughts aside, you needed coffee. Jared had left for his auditions earlier this morning, he was a nervous wreck. He'd made you breakfast again, but it was probably just to distract him from what was to come.

     You head to the kitchen and turn on your Keurig. Pumpkin Spice. That sounded good to you. Sitting on the bar, you think about how fun the past two days had been. You decided to use the rest of your vacation days for the year, and use them all in one week, kind of like a Christmas break.

     This week off also meant you could spend some time with Jared, and it had been a delight. You felt like you've known him forever, you never felt awkward in each others presence anymore. He was easy to talk to, and he was a great listener. You considered yourselves friends now. And in your past experience, friends went out and did stuff together, so that's what you did with him.

     Showing him around LA had been amazing!

      The first destination you'd dragged him to was the Getty Center. He'd hinted that he enjoyed art and painting, and the Getty Center was a very fine art exhibit. At first, you were afraid he wouldn't like it. But when you saw his jaw hit the floor a good twenty times, you knew you'd picked a good place.

     After lunch at a local café that day, you went home and let him look up a place to visit the next day. In the end, he hadn't picked a fancy, unique place as you thought he would. Instead he picked a nice little farmer's market in west LA.

     That had been your favorite day by far. He'd grab your hand and drag you to every colorful food stand he saw. He kept saying things like, "That's probably the most perfect eggplant I've ever seen," and "Look at the size of that tomato!" He was like a five year old boy, it was adorable.

     At the end of your visit, you were admiring some flowers in a little vase. When you'd turned around to tell Jared it was time to leave, he wasn't there. You spent a good ten minutes looking for him, until someone tapped you on the shoulder.

     "My lady." Jared was holding a single flower, the kind you'd been looking at earlier. He handed you the flower, linked his arm with your own, and walked towards the car.

     "That sly dog," you said to yourself, laughing a little. He was a great guy. As you stirred some creamer into your coffee, you began to think a little. Would Jared stay with you after the auditions? What would happen if he didn't get the part?

     Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. Your stomach flipped as you hustled to open it. You pulled it open, plastering and excited expression on your face.

     "Hey! Oh my gosh I thought you'd never get back!" you say. You pull him in for a hug, you can feel him smile on your shoulder.

     "Yeah, there was a lot more people trying out than I thought," he says. You can tell that worried him. The more people, the more competition.

     "Whatever, you're probably like, a thousand times better than them!" you say. You wanted to have a nice evening, so he had to be in a good mood.

     "Let's hope so," he says with a toothy grin. You smile back and let him in. He wipes his feet on the mat and leaves his shoes on the rack. You made your way to the kitchen while he headed to the shower. It was almost Christmas, so you decided to go all out on dinner. You made green beans, pasta, rolls, mashed potatoes, and an apple pie.

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