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After a long and grueling tour of the castle, and a lecture about why you shouldn't go on the third floor, the girls and boys flooded into their dorms. A darkened figure was lurking through the halls after curfew, careful to avoid prefects. Hermione was sleeping in the hospital wing for the night, as someone knocked her earmuffs off while the class was re-planting mandrakes.

The student in the hallway slithered silently up the steps to the Fat Lady and spoke the password. They clambered through the door and climbed up the outer side of the banister as to not activate the charm. Silently slipping into the third dorm, they pulled out a wand and cast a dim Lumos spell.

"What are you doing?" A groggy voice asked, obviously not the person they were looking for. The tired boy flicked the light switch, "Bloody hell, Malfoy! Harry, get up!" Draco stood in shock, realizing that the side with the girls' dorms in the Syltherin Tower was the boys' in Gryffindor. Harry shot up and put his glasses on, "How did you even get in here?!" He asked. Draco tried to play it off, "I overheard the password, Potter." "What do you want?" Ron asked, grabbing his wand off the bedside table. "Somebody found out my Hogsmeade plans, and I suspected you two." Someone had found out his plans, but he hadn't thought of accusing Harry and Ron until now.

"Why would we want to know your Hogsmeade plans? Get out!" Ron demanded loudly. Draco raised his hands in sarcastic surrender and left to the girls' dorms, the actual girls' dorms. After finding (Y/N)'s room, he sneaked inside and took notice of the sound of running water and light coming from under the bathroom door. He slipped over and placed a hand on the door, and after a few seconds, lowered it, walked to the bed, and poured a bit of an Amortentia love potion into the glass of Giggle Water that sat on (Y/N)'s night stand.

The next morning

Ron's POV

I still can not figure out why Malfoy was in our dorm at bloody one in the morning...

(Y/N) seems a lot perkier today, and she's been staying next to me in the halls, which is amazing. We got to breakfast, and she ran over to the Slytherin table and started getting all jittery and excited. I may or may not have listened to her and Malfoy's conversation.

"I don't know what happened, but I feel amazing!"

Malfoy smirked.

"In that case, would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?"

She kept bouncing up and down like she couldn't help it. When he asked, gladly, she looked confused and turned him down.

"I can't! You're awesome, but I'm gonna go with Ron, Harry, and Hermione!"

Malfoy spun around and started yelling at Crabbe about how, "he made it wrong", and that, "he's a bloody idiot and completely ruined his plan". I don't know what that means, and I don't think I want to.

The awesome thing that came from the jitteriness was that she hugged me, well, group hugged us, but was closest to me. Everybody probably noticed how much I was blushing. What sucks is that a lot of Gryffindor guys started to notice all the things I like her for, and they started drowning her in gifts.

Even Oliver Wood started slipping her notes in class, and at one point, I think I saw him using a howler in the hallway.

The night before Hogsmeade, Fred and George, my older twin brothers, were introduced to (Y/N) by Hermione and Harry because they were coming with us. Right away, the two idiots started making bets with her and playing truth or dare in the common room. I mean, I love my brothers, but they can be a bit annoying at times.

"I dare you to let me dye your hair purple!"

George snickered at Fred as (Y/N) pulled out her wand and began casting a spell on him. (Idk if theres an actual spell for this but deal with it) All of a sudden, his hair was bright purple. He looked over at George, who looked kinda disappointed that anyone could tell them apart now.

After the commotion about Fred's hair, it was his turn to truth-or-dare someone. "(Y/N), truth or dare?" She glanced from Hermione to Harry to me. She smirked, "Dare!" George and Fred exchanged you-know-what-happens-now looks. He clapped his hands and bit his lip, "I dare you to give  Malfoy a firewhisky at Hogsmeade! You can't say anything, just give it to him and walk away." Harry stifled a laugh and I couldn't help but shove Fred's shoulder.

"Really?" She groaned, slouching in her chair, "Do I have to?" All of a sudden, she put her hand on the base of her neck and stood up. She darted up the stairs to the girl's dorms and I glared at Hermione to follow her. She sprinted up the stairs after (Y/N), and we all shared concerned glances. I broke the silence after a minute or two, "You think she's alright?" George looked down at me, "Oi, maybe she ate something bad at dinner." "I hope she's okay." Harry and I said simultaneously.

After about five more minutes of silence, Hermione came down the steps with (Y/N) slouched over herself clutching her stomach. "What's wrong?" I shot up and met them at the bottom of the stairs. "She had an allergic reaction to something, I'm taking her to the Med Wing." "I'll come, too!" We all piped up excitedly. I could see (Y/N) smile a little bit behind her hair, which was covering the sides of her face.

*time skip to the infirmary*

Fred's POV

"Oi, you alright?" I asked when (Y/N) stumbled a bit in the doorway.
Mrs. Pomfrey met us at the door and grabbed her arms, leading her to a stiff bed. She sat down, and it didn't bounce at all, just... Wow... Quality hospital beds, Hogwarts. (That was sarcasm in case you somehow didn't get it) Mrs. Pomfrey looked up at us and asked what was wrong. We all raised and dropped our shoulders and shook our heads. Hermione cocked her head a bit, "I think it was an allergic reaction." Oh yeah, of course, little Mrs. Know-It-All. Wow... Where'd that come from?

After a while, Pomfrey said she would be better in time for Hogsmeade and we would find out what happened in the morning.

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