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(Y/N) had packed her cart nearly full to board the Hogwarts Express, but as it was her first time going to Hogwarts, had no idea how. After a few seconds of searching, she found a family of red-heads who looked as if they were about to head to platform 9 3/4. "Uh, excuse me," she began, tapping the mother's shoulder. She spun around and gave (Y/N) a warm smile, "Yes, dear?" "Could you tell me how to get to platform nine and three quarters?" "Of course! It's Ron's first time, too. Fred!" A taller of the brothers turned to face them along with who could only be his twin. "Show these three how it's done." She pointed to the shortest of the brothers, a little girl, and (Y/N). The other twin shoved him playfully and Fred charged his cart into the wall, disappearing into what (Y/N) hoped to be platform 9 3/4.

"Would you like to go first?" The shortest brother asked, gesturing to the wall that Fred disappeared into. (Y/N) really wasn't sure but said yes anyway, and with that, ran into the wall with her cart. She felt a chill as she appeared on platform 9 3/4, surrounded by people of all ages in Hogwarts house robes, bustling onto the Hogwarts Express. Shortly, the other brother and sister appeared behind her with their carts. As if by nature, they stayed together until the three were seperated in the crowd of Hogwarts Express Riders.

(Y/N) swung into a section of seating and was soon greeted by the youngest brother again. "Do you mind?" He asked, "Everywhere else is full." "Sure, yeah!" (Y/N) answered gleefully, excited to be making a new friend. He sat down and a garden rat crawled out from his coat pocket and snuggled up in his lap. "I'm Ron, Ron Weasley." He gave her a warm smile. And stroked his rat, "This is Scabbers!" "He's adorable! I'm (Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). A raven-haired boy appeared in the doorway and asked to sit with the two, they quickly scooted down to let him sit. "I'm Harry Potter." He said calmly, shaking both (Y/N)'s and Ron's hands. They gawked at him, "The Harry Potter?!" Ron gasped. "Yup!" Harry lifted up his bangs to show his lightening bolt scar. "Wow..." (Y/N) sighed. Harry put his bangs back down as a girl appeared in the door.

"May I?" She asked. Harry and Ron sat on one side together while (Y/N) sat across from them, so she patted the seat next to her and the girl sat down. Without thinking, Ron shoved two chocolate frogs in his mouth after handing everyone one. "I'm Hermione Granger." She said proudly, shaking (Y/N) and Harry's hands. She looked disgustedly at Ron. "And you are?" "Ron Weasley!" He introduced himself between swallows. Hermione raised one eyebrow and leaned away from him, "Pleasure." She said sarcastically. Harry and (Y/N) introduced themselves and shook Hermione's hand.

After a while of talking a bullfrog hopped through the corridor followed by a panicked boy. "What kind of pet do you have?" Ron asked (Y/N). "Oh, I forgot to show you." (Y/N) opened her coat pocket and out crawled out a jet black garden rat about the size of Scabbers. "This is Lucifer, my cousin summoned him a few years ago." Lucifer climbed up her coat and sat on her shoulder, examining the other three passengers in the booth. "Why does everyone here keep such vermin as pets?" Hermione asked. Harry just sat there, ready to enjoy the show. "They aren't vermin! They're friends!" Ron exclaimed clutching his tan and brown rat to his chest. "Exactly!" (Y/N) agreed. Both Scabbers and Lucifer squeaked.

"I do not see how you could keep a filthy little disease-ridden pest at your side." (Y/N) tried to keep the peace, "Let's just say that to some people, rats are great, and to others, they're vermin. Agreed?" Hermione sat up straight and nodded. Harry pointed to the window, "Guys! We're almost there! I can see one of the spires!" A blonde boy slid open the glass door to the booth, Lucifer and Scabbers stared at him. "Would you shut up? We can hear everything you're saying!" He glanced over to (Y/N), "And I will talk to you later." He smirked at her as he left.
(Y/N) simply rolled her eyes, "Ugh."

"Who was that?" Harry asked. "Draco Malfoy, he had his mind set on making me his girlfriend." "Bloody hell..." Ron heaved, looking a little angry. Hermione gawked at her, and Harry just looked confused. Hermione noticed him and explained. "Draco Malfoy is one of the cruelest wizards I've met! He's especially mean to muggleborns." (Y/N) sighed and explained her part of the story, "Draco and I have been friends since primary school, and he's fancied me for most of that time. And I know, he isn't the most pleasant to be around, I hope none of us get in whatever house he does."

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