Chapter One

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Ah! It's me again! Uh, I hope you guys enjoy this book I plan on being more committed this time around. I won't be starting any new books until this one is finished. Depending on how this one goes depends on if I'll make a sequel or something

Chapter One: Abduction

It's crazy how fast your world can change. As if the life you lived before never existed.  It's like one second your bickering with your parents about a party and the next second you're strapped down in a metal chair with needles pumping drugs into your veins.

I remember my old life. I miss it really. Then again it did have it's flaws. I mean it could sometimes be a bore but anything is better than being in this facility. It's a madhouse. This is what my taxes have been going towards for the last two years.

I'm sure you're completely confused on what's going on so I'll explain for you.

My name is Experiment LU-CY, but they call me Lucy. It's not far from my name I was born with but then again I don't remember what that was. Lucinda? No. Lucile? No, that isn't it either. Who cares, my name is Lucy now. I'm a first year experiment in the governments new Lacrima Mutation Project, L.M.P for short. They call the place Fairytail, it's a funny name if you ask me.

They've been pushing the taxes higher for the last five years so they could fund for the project. They've discovered an elixir they called "ethernano" and have been pumping into the very air we breathe. If you show any signs of your cells mutating from the exposure of the ethernano you're brought here for further testing.

They start off with testing your senses, checking to see if they've heightened in anyway. Then they test your physical features, see if you've gone through any changes there as well. If you so happen to pass either test they take you to the forth floor. That's where the real mutating takes place.

I remember the night I was taken. It was a Saturday night, the moon and the stars have never shined brighter. I was out with my sister, I remember arguing with her about which constellations were which. I know my stars better than anything else. Aquarius has to be my absolute favorite.

Anyway, it was my birthday and my sister said we had to go out. No one says no to her, she's always been scary if she didn't get what she wanted. As soon as we stepped outside something felt wrong. It was like things moved in slow motion. I could see everything in more detail, the way the feathers of a birds wings moved in the wind. I could hear everything too, and I mean everything. My senses were at 170% and a massive headache throbbed throughout my head, I guess I passed out.

Next thing I know I was in a hospital room with two men looking over what I assumed were my charts. They wore all black like spies from an agent movie. I tried to speak but I couldn't. My mouth had been taped closed and my hands were cuffed. One of the buff men with shaggy silver hair threw more over his should as the shorter ginger male open the fire for the two to leave again. I remember them shoving me into a trunk before knocking me out cold.

I've been here since then. It's been seven whole months and I haven't been told anything more than that basic information.

Sometimes I hear people talking outside my room. Something about moving a Heartfilia girl to the fifth floor.

I wonder who she is.. I'd rather be on the fifth floor than stuck in this experimentation room..

That's it for this chapter!! Hope you enjoyed so far!! I know it's a bit boring now but I promise the future chapters will be a bit more spicy!!

Published: 1/15/17

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