Chapter 10 -- I just want chocolate

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I've only ever been unconscious one time in my life. Playing soccer my freshman year, I went to kick the ball, but another girl's cleat beat me to it. She also swept my foot out from under me. It all happened so fast, the ref didn't even blow the whistle. My opponent was running away with the ball as I was falling. I hit my head with a hard thud seconds later. That's when the world disappeared from my sight.

This time, I woke up to white walls. There wasn't a coach telling me to wake up, or other players carrying me off the field. In the time I had blacked out, it seems I was placed in a hospital. I looked down at the puke green gown around me.

No one was in sight of my room. Nurses passed by my room, but none stopped. Where were my parents and exactly how long had I been here?

A snore from my bedside startles me and I look to see I missed Jonas, hunched over in a chair. His arms are wrapped around a pillow. I spot a small teddy bear on the table next to him.

"Jonas." I whisper. I lean over to poke at him when I realize I have IVs running through my arms. Just like that, I'm restricted again, flat on my back.

Was this Red Raven's doing? He had me pinned against the wall, and then suddenly I was a goner. How did I get here? How on earth did Red Raven let me go to Jonas?

Please wake up, Jonas. I beg in my mind. Jonas begins to shift in his seat, waking up slowly. I didn't know my plea would actually work.

His blue eyes light up when he spots me, awake. He rushes to my side, trying awkwardly to hug me. We both laugh and save the reunion for later.

"How am I here?" I immediately start asking questions.

He scratches the back of his head, "Well, I, uh, knocked him off of you and scooped you up. You know, you're actually really light, like I carried you as if you were a baby."

"Focus." I remind him.

"So I got you here as fast as I could. I mean, yeah, Red Raven chased us, but it's almost like he gave up after a while. Probably had another town to destroy."

"You're kidding me. He didn't do anything to you?" I ask, flabbergasted. Our villain has gone soft?

"Well, no, he did try to flip my truck with his mind. I think he should've stretched, though."

I laugh, "He doesn't have telekinesis, just mind control."

Jonas puts his hands on his hips, "He doesn't have telekinesis." Jonas mocks me in a squeaky voice.

"Jonas. Where's Ash?" I suddenly panic at the realization.

"At the vending machines. She was so worried about you, Del."

"She got me that bear?" I ask. He squirms.

"Well, no, I did." He manages to stutter out the words.

I flash a sweet smile at Jonas, whose cheeks have turned red. He grabs the bear and hands it over. The soft fur is the first thing I notice.

"Hey, Jonas, can you be a little quieter when you snore? I heard you down the hall." Ash steps into the room, unwrapping a Milky Way bar. Jonas rolls his eyes and ushers over to me.

Ash jumps for joy and begins to ask me what she can do for me to make me more comfortable. I watch her wave the chocolate around and my mouth starts to water.

"I'll take some chocolate, please." I interrupt. She smiles and walks out of the room.

"How are you feeling?" Jonas sits on the edge of my bed.

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