Chapter 4 -- How about mercy?

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Frantically searching the streets in a blue Party City mask was not what I had imagined I'd look like when I encountered Red Raven for a second time. Each house is scorched, and I pray I won't find anyone in them when I go in. I check every single house on the block. Until I get to the last one, there were no citizens gasping for air. The last house contains a small little girl, with Red Raven holding her up by her shirt collar. The girl looks like she's no older than 10 and claws at his hands but he wasn't budging. I refrain from gasping aloud and charge in at full speed to take her from his grasp.

"That was my hostage, Della." He feigns disappointment. I hold the girl tight to me as her sobs become hiccups.

"Maybe you could stop calling me by my name? That'd be great." I roll my eyes as he chuckles. Of course that's too much to ask.

"I'd call you by your super name, but you don't have one yet. And until you do some good around this town, you won't get one. So I think the only proper way for me to address you is by your real name."

A thought comes to mind and I hold back a conniving smirk. Before he can even blink, I rush the girl out to the crowd of people standing by the streets, terrified. I run back to the house to find Red Raven pondering what just happened, which must be a new feeling for him. He spots me for a brief second before I grab him and rush him up to the one building he left standing: town hall. The building is 35 feet tall, and it takes me no time to climb three flights of steps. The struggle is having Red Raven on my back. Once I reach the rooftop, I dangle Red Raven by his feet over the edge of the building. It's a little scary for both of us, I imagine. He's hoping he doesn't fall to his death, and I'm wondering how long I can hold onto a guy twice my weight.

"I think it's time I get a name, Raven. How about Mercy?"

I wait for him to fly away, like he did the night he came into my room. Honestly, I'm waiting to be defeated. I just wanted to shake him up a little.

"Fine! Mercy!" He pleads. Well, I wasn't expecting that. Why is he surrendering? The news team from channel 4 reports the feed live from below. Even though they probably can't see my face, I don't need anyone recognizing my clothes or hair. As fast as I got up here, I run back down. I run past the news team, I run past the crowds of people, and I run right to the police officers ready to take Red Raven in. I hand him over while I quickly turn into my invisible self.

"Where'd she go?" One officer asks. It takes all of my energy to stay hidden. I want them to see the face of their one and only hero. To know I'm real.

"Doesn't matter. We've got our villain. Time to take him in." I watch as Red Raven is whisked away. I thought he would be more violent, shaking the cops off of him or mind controlling them to release him. Instead, he looks bewildered, like he just accepted his defeat. Suddenly, cheers break out through the whole street.

I wouldn't be celebrating just yet.


As much as I wanted to go home and think of a way to truly defeat Red Raven, I knew I had to go back to school. Little did I know everyone would be talking about me. Well, the girl who defeated the heinous villain, anyway.

"Del, come here!" Ash pulls me over to a corner in the hall because class change can be a little chaotic. The tiny hallways are always cramped with students after lunch because it's a longer period of time to get to class than usual.

She shows me footage of myself on top of the building, Red Raven dangling from my hands.

"I can't believe you did that. That was amazing! He looked petrified." I knew he had to be shaken up a little, but not enough to where he'd forget he could fly away.

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