Chapter 9 -- Who's your hero?

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Journal Entry, January 9th
Who's your hero?

This question secretly disturbed me for a whole block. I ended up not answering the question at all. It didn't matter, Ms. Hodges didn't collect the "Getting to know you" paper. I crumbled it up and walked out the door.

Of course, I had some favorite heroes. Fictional, that is. I loved The Flash And Superman most of all. In real life, our town had been in ruins for years. There was no hero for anyone.

I'm sure some people wrote down their moms and their dads and maybe I should have too. Jesus was a huge impact in my life, that had to be my real hero.

Who would Red Raven have written down? Himself, most likely.

There was always going to be a hole in our town's justice. January 9th was the day I decided to be the change I wanted to see in the world.

Where was my motivation now?

"Della. Seriously, speak." Ash sits in front of me on the couch in Jonas' living room.

"Jonas, I need you to tell me everything you know. Don't hold back."

He looks to Ash and they both wince. Ash rubs her arms like she's suddenly freezing. Keeping secrets does that to you.

"I think Sophia is dating Red Raven."

"Excuse me?" I stutter.

Jonas holds up a hand, "But! I think she's cheating on him..."

I wait for him to finish. When he doesn't, I grit my teeth together.

"With who?" I spit at him. He clutches onto Ash for support. When she shakes him off he falls backwards, off the couch.

Ash and I both roll our eyes and bring him back up.

"I don't know who he is! Some guy named Thomas! It was really confusing, listening to her brain ramble about them. Maybe this Thomas guy is Red Raven."

I begin to bite my nails. Thomas. Mason's friend, Thomas? He was in our home.

"Then who's out out there, fighting, tormenting citizens now? If I found Red Raven's complete suit, someone else is masquerading as him."

That's why one Red Raven I fought could fly and the other was practically defenseless.

"There's two Red Ravens," I conclude, but I whisper. "Jonas!" I watch him jump once again.

"Do you know what I'm thinking?!" I gasp with every word.

"No, woman, I can't read your mind." He says with a bored tone. Ash slaps his hand out from under his chin. He glares at her, but goes to get my suit for me. We're going to fight Red Raven, whoever he may be.


"Hey, Mason, what's the name of your partner for that project you were working on?" I'm on the phone with him as Jonas drives us down to High Rock, the neighboring town. The street lights barely light the road in front of us.

"Thomas Maveric? Why?" He drags out. Jonas swerves to miss a tree laying in the road. Ash shrieks and she loses control of her computer in the back seat.

"What's going on, Della?" Mason's voice raises.

"Nothing. He sent me a friend request and I wanted to make sure it was him." Jonas glances over at me.

"Oh okay. Hey mom wants to know what time you'll be home? And Mickey left shortly after you did, by the way. Not that I care, but he kinda looked upset."

I can tell Mason's playing video games by his absent tone. Not that the robot ever has any emotions.

"Tell mom I'll be home by midnight and I'm sorry for storming out like that. Gotta go. Bye!" Jonas dodges a falling tree limb that, oh look at that, happens to be on fire.

"I thought you were against lying?" Jonas asks.

"I wasn't lying. Thomas Maveric friended me on Facebook. Guess I'm not accepting him as a friend."

"Because he might be Red Raven?"

"No, Jonas, because he's a journalist..." I roll my eyes, "What else would cause me to distrust the guy??" I yell into Jonas' ear. He shrinks in his seat. I can hear him muttering something about how he's always distrusted journalists.

"Hate to break up your beautiful conversation, but I think we've arrived." Ash speaks up from the back.

Jonas and I stare at each other.

"Ready?" I'm not really expecting an answer. Just before I jump out of the truck, his hand catches mine.

He pauses for a moment before he quickly smiles, "Ready."

Ash stays in the safety of the truck. She gave me another chip to place on Red Raven, to test our theory of there being two of them.

"Okay, boss, what's the plan?"

Typically I'd say 'hide in the background and read his mind'. Jonas may be my sidekick, but I want him doing more than that. He'd be so much better at being a hero than I'll ever be.

"Um, stay by my side. You're always saying you're a tough guy, time to prove it." I dash off, finding Red Raven in the mix of the chaos. At least everyone has run for cover.

"Do my eyes deceive me? Rapid Glare is back? Sweetheart, locking me away isn't going to do anything."

All I can see to reveal his identity is the top of his head, showing short brown hair, and his chiseled jaw below the mask.

If I could get close enough, I'd look into his eyes. He will never let me get that close.

"I'm here now." Jonas skids to a stop by my side. I'll have to applaud him later for almost keeping up with me.

"Ah, your sidekick, I see. Let's cut to the chase-"

"That sounds like fun!" I cut him off and literally start running circles around him. He starts to gasp for air and reach for me. I won't let him have the strength to do so. By running circles around him, I'm cutting off his oxygen supply.

I'm not sure what Jonas is currently doing, but I put the chip in his hands as I pass by. Once I come to a halt, Jonas grabs Red Raven's shirt collar and backs him up against the brick wall of a building. The town's post office.

"I don't think you want to cut to any chase with Rapid Glare." Jonas presses him against the wall harder, and I can see Red Raven struggling. Jonas casually sticks the chip to his side.

"You don't even know what to do with me." Raven spits with a smirk.

"Well I--" Jonas starts, but he wasn't allowed to finish. Red Raven pushes him away without using any physical force. Jonas falls to the ground, and I lower myself to the ground to help him. Though, seconds later, I'm up against the same brick wall, and I'm face to face with Red Raven.

"Your sidekick isn't much help to you." He states, smiling evilly. All I want in this moment is to smack the joy off his face. What does he want to do with me?

"Forget him. Kill me. It's your plan to eliminate me, right?" I get right to the point. Maybe I'll make him soften a bit.

"Della, what are you doing?" Jonas grits through his teeth as he stumbles around. Trying to catch his balance is pointless.

"So, um, Red Raven, what are you waiting for?" I impatiently roll my eyes and tap my foot. He's clearly pestered by my actions. He's holding Jonas off mentally while physically clutching my neck between his hands.

"Lights out." He cocks his head to the side and everything goes black.

I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for the whole chasing after the two Red Ravens to take up the course of 3 chapters. 3 chapters were all pertaining to the one night. I hope no one is confused!

Thanks for reading!
Always, Sunny

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