Chapter 27: Slytherin Colors

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Song: When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars

Every time the elevator passed a floor it would make a ding noise. The man in the elevator heard three dings before he stepped out of the muggle contraption.

The corridor to his right paved the road to his destination. With every step he took he could feel his heartbeat increase. The walls seemed to be closing in on him. He stopped in front of the door he could remember visiting in a distant dream.

He brought his fist up to the door.




He could hear someone on the inside move around on their way to the door. A few short moments later the door swung open and Hermione Granger stood in front of him.

"R-Ron, what are you doing here?" Asked the young woman on the other side of the threshold.

"I want to talk to you," Replied Ron.

Draco apparated into the apartment and noticed Ron standing at the door, "Is there a problem here, Weasley?" In a few long strides Draco was standing by Hermione's side.

Ron sighed, annoyed by Draco's presence, "No, not at all. I just want to talk to Hermione alone."

Draco snaked his arm around Hermione's waist casually, "What ever you say to her, you can say to me."

Ron closed his eyes for a moment in attempt to keep his anger in, he put his arm around her waist. He's obviously trying to get me mad.

An idea struck Hermione, she spoke up, "I'll be back in a little bit, Draco. We're just going to go on a little walk." She lightly kissed him on the cheek.

Draco looked down at Hermione, "Are you sure? I don't want him alone with you."

"I'm an auror I can handle him by myself." Said Hermione lightheartedly.

Ron felt hurt, he would never try to hurt Hermione, "I would never hurt you."

Draco looked the ginger in the eyes, "Oh, really? If I can remember correctly, the last time you were in this apartment you were trying to force yourself on her. Not to mention the fact that you were very drunk."

He couldn't handle the rage inside of himself anymore, "I've changed! I've quit drinking. What about you? Have you changed? Or are you still pursuing a career as a death eater?! I bet you don't even care about about 'Mione. You're probably just using her!"

Draco had heard enough, his fist made contact with Ron's freckled face. Ron stumbled back a little. Draco grabbed his shirt by the collar, "You don't know anything, Weasel. While you were out getting hammered every night and knocking up every girl in London, I was here with Hermione, I was a friend to her unlike you. You might've been friends back at Hogwarts, but your obviously not now. Just take a look at what you've done to your relationship with her... oh wait you don't hav-"

Ron swung at Draco, but he quickly moved out of the way. Draco let go of Ron's shirt in the process.

"You're gotta be quicker than that if you want to catch me, Weasel!" Draco took a step back ready to punch him again.

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