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Shaking her head, Lauren stared out at the crowd. She would never get over this. Thousands of people, all there to see them. People screaming her name, holding up signs begging her to marry them. Actual panties being thrown at the stage.

It was surreal.

A grin spread unbidden over her face as she turned to look at the rest of the girls. Dinah, the steady beating heart of the group, behind her drums. Ally, a tornado of energy, dancing around the stage with her bass. Normani, a much-needed oasis of calm mirroring Lauren's position on the stage. And Camila. Always Camila, tucked up close to her mic stand, singing her heart out for the crowd.

The day the single had gone to number one would always go down at the most exhilarating day of Lauren's life. But days like today? They came close.

The album had gone platinum, their supporting tour dates had all sold out, they had done a whirlwind visit of Australia and New Zealand, playing their songs for people on the other side of the world. And then Simon had uttered the magical words: Headline a tour in Europe.

None of them had been sure they were ready for it, but they all scrambled to sign on the dotted line. Would the shows sell? Would Europe love them as much when they weren't just openers? Would they succeed?

Lauren gazed back out at the packed stadium, a thousand voices singing along with their songs. Done it? They had outdone everything they had ever dreamed of.

It turned out that together they could do anything.

Lauren danced over towards Camila, her fingers light on the strings of her guitar, a grin on her face. Camila smiled through the lyrics of the song, her voice steady and sure as she let her eyes follow Lauren's progress to her side.

She never looked as good as she did onstage, Lauren was certain. They had worried Camila might resent just being one of five members of a band, but instead she had flourished, feeding off of their energy and excitement, loving the buffer the girls provided between her and the world, the support and the love. Instead of being a backing band, in the shadows at the rear of the stage, they were by her side every step of the way: in interviews, at events, at awards shows, and on stage.

Lauren arched an eyebrow at the girl and she turned instantly, so they could press their backs together, leaning on each other as they did on and off stage. Lauren felt the brush of Camila's hair against the back of her neck and closed her eyes, playing her heart out.

The song came to an end, bringing the show to a close, and Lauren let out a breath, exhilarated. It didn't matter how many times they did this. It would never get old.

She turned to watch Camila deliver her closing remarks, the usual 'we love you, best fans in the world' thing. Only, they weren't lying. Lauren was sure these were the best fans in the world.

The look Camila shot her as she turned was an odd one, equal parts excitement and nerves. It was a look she sometimes saw before a show started, not just as one was ending.

"Okay, everyone," Camila said to the crowd. "We've got one more for you tonight. Something that isn't on our album."

"We do?" Lauren hissed, leaning in to speak the words into Camila's ear. "Since when?"

"Me and the girls decided we should do it," Camila returned, offering her a cheeky grin.

Lauren frowned. "And you didn't think to tell me?"

"Don't worry, babe. It's one you know." Camila assured her. "Just follow along."

The other three girls started playing, and Lauren's eyes widened.

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