Chapter 8

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Lauren woke to the feel of something heavy along her, pressing her into the sheets, and grumbled, squirming away instinctively. A grunt from the other side of the bed reminded her that she had company, and she opened eyes to see a girl laying on her

Tina, her brain reminded her. Or Trina. Close enough.

She turned her head, seeking out the face smushed into the pillow next to her. The girl was still cute, even the morning after, and Lauren allowed herself a self-satisfied grin. It had been awhile since she got laid, and this girl was an excellent choice to break her dry-spell. Good looking, and, from what she remembered of the night before, good in bed.

Life as a rockstar was starting to look pretty good.

The buzzing of Lauren's phone alarm had Tina's eyes blinking open sleepily. She wrinkled her nose, grumbling. "What the fuck is that?"


"This early?"

"Yeah, got to be at work."


"Nah," Lauren laughed, swinging her legs over the side of the bed and stretching her arms up into the air. "It's actually pretty great."

"Too early to be cheerful," Tina complained, but struggled out of bed behind Lauren. She searched the floor for her discarded clothing while Lauren dressed, trying to look presentable enough for another day in the studio. "Can I call you?"

Lauren grinned, slowed and pleased. "Sure thing."

Keana smirked as Lauren let Tina out of the flat, numbers exchanged.

"So, you become a rockstar and instantly get laid, huh?"

"Pretty much," Lauren agreed smugly.

"Not so high and mighty about being 'better' than this gig anymore, are you?"

"Well," Lauren hedged, pulling a beanie down over her hair. "It has its benefits."

"And you haven't even gotten your first paycheck," Keana laughed.

"Yep. Just you wait. It'll be all decadent, drunken orgies from here on out," Lauren promised.

"Just as long as I get a supermodel feeding me grapes."

"It's good you keep your demands simple" Lauren agreed, giving her friend a wave as she slipped out of the flat.

It was a good morning. She was loose-limbed and relaxed as only a good fuck could leave her, she wasn't too hungover, and she was on her way to a recording studio to make an album.

She walked into the studio like she owned the place, flashing her pass at the guard at the door with a cheeky grin. Dinah was already there when she walked into the room, drum sticks in hand, tapping out a beat on her own knees. She looked up with a smile as Lauren approached.

"Well, thank goodness one of you is alive and awake, at least."

"No word from Mani or Ally?" Lauren guessed.

"I texted Ally to get her up at seven this morning, because she was the furthest gone last night," Dinah shrugged. "But no response."

"Well, I wouldn't answer a text at seven either" Lauren laughed, flopping down on the sofa next to Dinah. "I mean shit, I only got up twenty minutes ago."

Dinah pointedly let her gaze trail down Lauren's body from hair to her legs. "You don't say" she drawled.

"Hey now" Lauren chided. "At least I'm here before those other two losers."

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