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Charlotte:Henry noooo-and she faintes.
Pult lady:I need a doctor.
Doctor Blaze:What do we have?
Pult lady:She is pregnant, she is bleeding and she fainted.
And there be two lovers fighting for life at same time.Room to room.Fighting, dying and coming back to eachother.Neither can live while other dies (See what i did there( Harry Potter propercy:Neither can live while other survives) well i changed it a bit but this is maden by J.K Rowling sooooo yeah.Back to the story:-))They came back to life for each other.While she is fighting for her life and life of her children he fights harder and dies.But cames back for her and for his children.They are feeling that something is frong with their lover and soulmate.Then they join forces and fight together.They losed the battle alone but tried to win the war together.
While they were fighting their friends and family wanting them to live.

In the waiting room again there is everyone.Crying.Now when whole Swellview know who Kid Danger and Captain Man are, many people came and hoped that they survive.Now they know she is his and only his while he is only hers.

Meanwhile,while they were on surgeries, Henrys father got into jail. They had dreams about each other.They were on their wedding and their children with them.Smiling while telling their vows, melting in eachothers love.

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