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Charlotte:Thats it I m gonna kill you.-Charlotte attacked Jasper

Henry leaved her to do it for few minutes but when Jasper started crying he grabed her from him.

Henry:Char calm down, you could of kill him.Are you insane.Besides you know you can t do that.Don t you remember what doctor said.
She nodded.
Ray:What did the doctor said, I m her boss I m suposed to know.-he narrow hiss eyebrow.
Jasper:You know that we didn t get anything.
Henry's mom:Henry,honey are you okey.
Henry:Charlotte help me here.
Charlotte:Ok you want me to help you?Then we tell them everything.
Henry:You sure?
Charlotte:Yeah I m ready.
Ray:What are you guys talking about.???
Charlotte:I...I m pregnant.
Jasper:You re what???
Charlotte:I...M...PREGNANT-chatlotte says slowly like shes talking to some dumb person.
Jasper:Please tell me it isn t Blakes.
Henry:Well maybe, maybe not.
Charlotte:Henry be serious.No it isn t blakes.
Ray:Then who is the baby daddy?
Henry:I m the baby daddy.
Schwoz:What?Is it true?
Charlotte:Yep.He s responsible of this.-Schwoz fainted.
Piper:I m gonna be an aunt.
Jasper:Yes.Chenry is alive.Chenry is OTP.-Jasper sees peas on the table and puts it in his shirt.
Henry:Just like when we said we we re dating.
Henrys mom:I m gonna be mother and grandmother in same year.So how long are you pregnant?
Charlotte:Three months.
Henrys mom:Wow, i m only one month pregnant.How did henry react?
Charlotte:Like Schwoz.But since we re both taking online school we decided not to tell any one till we re ready but i told my mom.She was actualy ok with it.
Jasper:So are you dating or?
Charlotte:And what do you think how did this baby came in me.
Henry:What she means yes we re dating and we re deeply in love, if we weren t she wouldn t be pregnant.
Jasper:Can I see you kiss?
Jasper:You've done more than that so i think you can kiss.
Chenry:No we can t.
Charlotte:Last time we kissed I ended up pregnant.
Jasper:Sooo no.
Jasper:Well you can t kepp me from imagining it.
Henry:Oh and we bought a house.
Charlotte:More like a mansion but ok.
Henrys mom:From what money.
Henry:When you re a captain man s sidekick and you have pay nine dollars for hour you can buy mansion.
Ray:So you re gonna be a dad and I m gonna be a dad.Captain man and kid danger baby boom.Hahahahaha you will have a little kid danger and i little captain man.
Charlotte:Hey we re going tomorrow to doctor and we will found out gender.You wanna come?
Henry s mom:Yeah, were gonna come.
Piper:Henry I m proud of you.You re a kid danger and you re gonna be dad.I m so happy for you-she huggs him.
Henry:Thanks sis I ap-tdd,tdd,piper got a message on her phone.Her eyes go wide and she locks them to her phone
Piper:I M NOT OKEY.-Piper yells
Henry:And old Piper is back.-elevetors door open and Gooch came out of them.He walks to Henry and Charlotte.
Gooch:Is it true.You re together and you re gonna have baby.
Henry:Yes that is true.
Gooch:I m happy for you guys
Ray:I m gonna be a father too, besides how did you found out.
Gooch:Schwo-ALERT ALERT ALERT-Ray runs to computer.
Henry:What is it Ray?
Ray:Ugh Jeff stupidest criminal in Swellview.
Henry:Lets blow and go.-They blow a bubbles and they changed in their uniformes.They stood unter their tubes.
Charlotte:Hen be okey I don t want to raise this kid alone.
Henry:I ll be fine.-He smiled
Ray:Call it.
Henry:Up the tube.-Gooch returned back to store
Jasper:So whats so special about henry?Why does girls always fall for him first Chloe and then Bianca?
Charlotte:His eyes.
Jasper:Why, he has normal eyes.
Charlotte:Yes but they re special.They are warm,kind,powerful,full of love and I can just lose my self in them.
Jasper:So you really love him.
Henrys mom:Charlotte there is no better girl for henry than you.I didn t like those girls, Bianca and Chloe they dont care for him like you do.Because maybe you are his girlfriend but before that you are his true friend and Jasper also.
Charlotte:Veronica too.
Jasper:Who is Veronica.
Charlotte:Henry s ex, she was a walldog but she ended in prison, for diffrence of Bianca and Chloe who went to Kids in the Woods.
Jasper:Wow Henry dated a walldog.
Charlotte:Noooo,Kid Danger dated a walldog not Henry.And do you remember once when Henry was angry at Bianca.
Jasper:Yes when Kid Danger saved no when Henry save Bianca.
Charlotte:Well do you know why was Henry angry?
Charlotte:Kid Danger and Bianca kissed.Which you think ok but it isn t because Bianca doesn t know that Henry is Kid Danger so he cheated on him self.

Henry and Ray came down the tube

Charlotte:So how was it?
Henry: in the.
Charlotte:That bad.
Henry:He was runing.But he fell down after few meters.He was on his back and he couldn t get up he was like turtle.
Ray:I got it on video
Jasper:Guys can I say something.It is realy important, Henry don t be mad at me.
Henry:What is it?
Jasper:Don t be mad at me.
Henry:I wont.
Jasper:Ok.Huh.I have.........

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