Chapter 6

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Maddy turned around, just as her friend stepped in front of her, protecting her.

She looked up as the visitor showed his face.

"Steve!" she shouted. "I thought you left."

"I thought he was just a friend," he replied with a smirk. "Seems like we're both wrong."

"Oh shut up." She muttered, her face turning red.

"C'mon, we have to go." Steve said.

"Ok," she replied looking around at her friend. "I have to go."

"Bye," he said quickly. "You did good today."

"Thanks, you too," she answered as she hugged him.

"I can't believe you did that!" she said as soon as they were in the car.

"I was just waiting on you!" He replied defensively.

"In a bush?" She asked incredulously.

"Well I can't leave you alone with a boy!" He said protectively.

"Alright, I guess it's ok." She said.

"So how long have you known him?" Steve asked.

"I went to school with him. My father knew his dad, so we knew each other for a couple years before that." She answered.

"He seems like a pretty good kid." He replied.

"He is." She said.

"Hey Danny." Steve said as he walked into Danny's office.

"Hey Steve." Danny answered quietly.

"You all right?" He asked.

"We got a new lead." Danny replied.

"What is it?"

"Chin got a hit on some prints from the crime scene."

"Whose are they?"

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