Korra Snaps

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Korra POV
I lied about my necklace, because they can't know, they just can't. I can't be seen as weak, I was so close to being myself again. Okay maybe not my old, old self, but at least before I was poisoned. I did like how I could see using bending for most Avatar duties were not needed though. "Hey, Korra now that there's a spirit portal in Republic City you can see your parents and friends in the South Pole!" said Asami. "I know I'm so happy! I hope other people with family at both of the poles can use it. But still respect the spirits." I exclaimed. However, happy was an understatement. I was ECSTATIC!! I hardly saw my friends as a kid, let alone when I moved here. I just hope they don't start to stick their noses where they don't belong. "Hey, Korra what's it like in the South Pole? Other than cold." Asked Wu. "Yeah any childhood friends we should meet?" Asked Opal. I started to inwardly panic. Truth be told I didn't have ANY friends in the South. I couldn't leave the compound and no one could come in. Then, thank the spirits Kai and Jinora came in "Hey, guys! What smells good?" Said Kai "Crepes." I replied as a gave them each a plate. We all sat in silence for about ten minutes. Until Asami said " You never answered Opal's question, Korra." The tension on the air was thicker than pea soup. And I had to start thinking on my feet and come up with a decent lie. "Um, believe it or not I was really anti- social, plus with Avatar training it was pretty hard to make friends if you can't really spend time with them ya, know?" I replied. 'Not a total lie, Avatar duties did prevent the possibilities of friends.' And everyone stared at me like I grew a pair of polar bear dog ears.

3rd POV
Everyone was quite shocked at Korra's answer to Opal's question. Avatar Korra was anti- social nobody bought it for a minute. "What?" Questioned Korra.

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