Mako Know's Korra Best

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A/N: The Necklace up top is Korra's Betrothal Necklace.
We were all talking about how little we actually knew Korra, then suddenly Wu said "Hey, Mako dated Korra, so he should know, something!" Everyone looked at me expectedly. "Well, she did share somethings, with me about how all she practically did was train, her entire childhood." I replied "I also knew she seemed to be in a better mood when she got letters from her parents." "PISHO!"shouted Bolin "SSSSSHHHHH!!" Opal whispered. (A/N: do you say it or whisper it?) "Bo, do you want to wake the entire city up!" I whisper shouted. "Sorry" Bolin said. "But that is a major clue!" Bolin said "There could be other reasons, considering they live all the way in the South Pole." Reasoned Wu. "Hey you guys smell that?" said Opal. I smelled a something sweet in the air. "Is Pema up already?" I questioned aloud. We all started to go towards the kitchen and what I saw made me feel like the impossible happened.
Korra was a terrible cook, last time I checked.
*time skip to Asami asking Korra about the necklace*
I noticed Korra wearing a necklace water tribe. Then I realized it was a betrothal necklace. I was about to question her, but Asami beat me to it when she said. "Hey Korra, I like your necklace, where'd you get it?" Korra seemed to freeze on the spot. "It.. Um.. was my grandmother's. She passed away when I was younger." She said in a sad tone. I knew Korra better than anyone in this room. It was only a half truth someone HAD given it to her, and had passed away. But it probably wasn't her Grandmother. She faltered before she said Grandmother but not at the words passed away.

Korra POV.
'I hoped everyone would buy my lie, but don't think Mako has. But then again, he's the only one I'm not related to who knows me best.' I thought 'Accept for Ronnie, the person who really gave me my betrothal necklace , even though he's gone forever.'

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