4. First Visual

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By the time Luke got home that night, I couldn't even sit still for longer than ten seconds. I hadn't been able to watch the last bit of the band's performance, mostly due to the fact that my mind was racing about a million miles per hour. I had no idea how to tell him that we might have twins. I was already stressed to hell and back about the thought of becoming a mother to one baby, nevermind the thought of two.

"Okay, you look stressed." He hadn't even set his jacket down on the table before he spoke, a concerned frown turned my way. I bit my lip, still scrambling to find the words to say what I needed to say.

"They think it might be twins and they or it or whatever is due in October of all months." Apparently it was best simply said all at once. In the moment of silence after my jumbled mess of words came spilling from my lips, Luke looked confused. We stared at each other for a minute before a smile lit up his face.

"October? Really?" He laughed, his face scrunching up as he giggled. "We are never getting away from that damn month, are we?" He added. To be honest, I was a bit surprised; he had chosen to focus on the due date rather than the possibility that we were having more than one child. I didn't know whether to be annoyed or relieved. In the end, I ended up settling for a little mixture of both.

"But there might be two babies, Luke. Two." I stressed, holding up two fingers as if he didn't understand what the words meant. "How in the hell are we meant to parent more than-"

"Dae, Dae." He interrupted, stepping forward and putting his hands on my arms. "It's only a possibility right now. So calm down, put a jacket on, and let's go get some ice cream or something. We can call the doctors in the morning and set up another appointment; one that I can go to." With that, he stepped back and threw his jacket back on. I sighed, nodding, before doing the same. 

If it was twins, there would be nothing I could do about it anyways. Luke was right in being calm; stressing and freaking the heck out would do nothing but make the pregnancy harder on me and whatever number of little bundles of joy I had in my tummy.

The ice cream was delicious. The girl working at the register was obviously very aware just who she was serving, and I actually found it rather amusing to watch her struggle to keep her cool and pretend like we were nothing more than the average customers. I caught her eye several times while Luke and I were eating, and finally gave up with attempting to keep my boyfriend all to myself today. With a sigh, I gave a head-nod towards where the blonde girl was scrubbing the counter for the third time.

"You should probably go talk to her and take a picture or sign something or whatever before she scrubs a hole into the counter." I announced quietly, giving Luke a small smile. He chuckled, glancing over his shoulder before looking back at me.

"I'll be right back, okay?" He assured, as if I was worried he was going to take a year to go talk to a fan. Besides, I was never worried about him when it came to fans; they were the reason he got to do what he loved, so why would I ever be concerned about him taking some time here and there to talk to them? I simply nodded, though, waving him off as I spooned another mouthful of ice cream to eat.


"Yuck." Luke's nose scrunched up as soon as we entered the doctor's office. "Do these places always smell like this?" He questioned, glancing over at me. I chuckled, nodding.

"If you mean smelling germ-free, then yes." I quipped, giggling when he faked a gag.

"Well, it's gross and I don't like it." He announced matter-of-factly. It had been three days since I told him of the possibility of having twins, and we were finally arriving at the ultrasound appointment to find out for sure. I was nervous, to say the very least. I know Luke was happy either way, but I so desperately wanted it to be only one. I was already overly nervous about becoming a mother, and the thought that I could have two children right off the bat was daunting.

The wait was short; the office was aware that Luke was a very public figure, and for that I was grateful. We didn't need speculations about what was going on just yet; especially when we didn't even know for sure. The nurse, a young man with sandy hair and dark eyes, led us to a room in the back where the ultrasound machine was set up. I was told to lay down, and that the sonographer would be in momentarily. After a minute or two of tense silence, Luke grabbed my hand. I looked over at him, a frown on my face, but he simply gave me a reassuring smile.

I think that's when I knew it was all going to be okay. Looking over at the boy I had met so long ago, seeing his nervous, but excited face while we waited to see the baby for the first time, was what reminded me that I wasn't alone. Not only did I have Luke by my side, but I had the rest of the boys as well. I may not have seen Michael, Calum, and Ashton in a little over a week, but that didn't mean they weren't there for me. On top of that I had Katie and Kendra and Wyatt and a plethora of other people who were in my life to support me. I just had to keep that perspective in my mind when I got worried about things.

Of course, that sentiment didn't stick around very long after the sonographer came into the room to do her thing. The cold jelly was put on my tummy, and I saw for the first time the little beating hearts of what were to become my children. Yes, hearts. As in more than one. I was pale as a ghost as I looked at the screen, hand tightening around Luke's fingers as she measured the babies and determined whether or not they were progressing properly for twins. She labelled them Baby A and Baby B as she worked, talking about each measurement as she did them.

"Oh," The surprised chirp from the woman as she moved the sonography device over a little peaked my attention immediately. Was something wrong with one of the babies?

"What?" Luke and I spoke at the same time, concern present in each voicing of the word. The lady smiled, pointing to one of the little sacs on the screen.

"Happy parents, meet Baby C."


So. I'm back!

OMG a lot has happened in my life recently and tbh that's sort of the reason I dropped from the face of the earth for a bit there. I'm sticking to my word, though! I WILL be finishing this gosh dang story if I have to keep writing until I'm 80 to do it! So welcome back to me and to you lovely readers who have stuck around so long! Kudos to you! Because I wouldn't have if I were in your position. So thank you.

As always, I love you to pieces, and enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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Dreamer // l.h. // Book 3 of Bully Series [[DISCONTINUED]]Where stories live. Discover now