3. Tests

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The apartment idea of Luke's was actually not a bad idea. In the few days following the proposal of us moving in together, I'd been doing a bunch of researching on apartments in the area.


That was just about the only word I could use to describe anything that was more than a studio apartment. And, considering I really didn't want to share a room with a baby, the apartment would have to be a two-bedroom. And then, on top of that, there was the issue of schools. At some point my child would have to enter school, which meant I had to live close enough that they could get there.

It was stressful.

"Stress isn't good for the baby." Luke's voice interrupted the furious writing I had been doing, trying to figure out financing for an apartment. I looked up at him over the top of my laptop, a small frown on my face.

"I'm not stressed." I protested, albeit rather weakly. He gave me a disbelieving look, lifting an eyebrow. I sighed, closing the laptop. "I know. I just- apartments are expensive!" I exclaimed. Luke immediately began shaking his head, reaching out to put the laptop on the bed next to me before gently pulling me to my feet.

"Don't worry for one more second about expenses, Dae." He insisted. "I have all of that covered. What you need to worry about," He began, taking a step back and placing a hand over the sweater covering my belly, "Is keeping this little guy happy and healthy." I huffed slightly, a smile making its way onto my lips as I looked up at him.

"And what makes you so sure it's a 'little guy' and not a 'little gal'?" I teased, placing my hands on my hips. Luke grinned, puffing his chest out dramatically.

"Little Luke only shoots boys." He announced, sounding proud as can be. I scrunched up my nose at that, pushing him away from me.

"You're so disgusting," I laughed, turning to pull a pair of my boots from the shoe rack next to the nightstand. "And don't ever use the term 'Little Luke' again. That's just- I don't even know what it is, but I don't like it." I added. He laughed as well, pulling me back against his chest before resting his chin on the top of my head.

"But you like me, don't you?" He asked, though I knew it wasn't really a question I had to answer out loud. Of course I liked him. Scrunching my nose up once more, I pried myself from his grasp and slipped my boots on.

"Eh," I grunted, turning to face him. "I just tolerate you because I have to." I added, ending with a giggle as Luke pouted. His face turned serious rather quickly though, and he pulled out his phone to check the time.

"I wish I could come with you." He admitted, glancing at my belly before locking gazes with me. I smiled, nodding.

"It's just a doctor's appointment, Luke." I assured. "No ultrasounds, no crazy important milestones. I'm just going in there to do some bloodwork and get an approximate due date. That's all." I tapped his nose, smiling when he scrunched it up at the contact. "You just focus on promoting that silly little band of yours." He rolled his eyes playfully at the remark, but didn't protest like I thought he would.

I wouldn't outright admit it to him, but I really wished he could come to the doctor's appointment too. The band had an interview today, and of course this was the earliest I could get an appointment. It was either today or two weeks from now. And I didn't think waiting that long to figure out just what I needed to start doing to keep the baby healthy was a good idea. Neither did Luke. So, I was going it alone this time. 

Besides, the band had a tour coming up in July. While that was still well over four months away, they had to do promoting and practices and the like in order to prepare for it. I wasn't about to halt his work life just because I needed to go get bloodwork done. Though, it would be interesting to watch the interview when I got home. I'd miss the first part of it, but Luke said they'd be performing a few acoustic covers of songs, so I could probably catch the tail end of that part.

After grabbing my light blue jacket from the tiny closet near the door, I turned to face Luke.

"Alright, I'll text you when I'm done with the appointment." I assured before glancing at his outfit. "Also, please don't wear that shirt to the interview. There's a toothpaste stain on it." He looked down at the Green Day shirt with a frown, sighing when he realized I was right.

"Alright." He allowed, crossing over to me and wrapping his arms around my body in a quick hug. "This is why I need you in my life. That would have been embarrassing." I felt his lips peck my forehead before he spoke again. "Good luck with the appointment. Tell me all about it when I get back tonight." 


"Alright, Ms. Larksen, are you ready for your results?" I frowned briefly at the doctor, an older woman named Dr. Dunstan, before nodding. The way she was grinning made me feel uneasy, as if something more than simply finding out my due date was happening here.

"Yes ma'am." I agreed, though my voice wavered slightly. God, how I wished Luke was here. Not that this was overwhelming or anything, but damn it was kind of freaky.

"Okay, so based on the date you gave us for your last menstrual cycle, I calculated your due date to be October 26th." She announced happily. I felt all expression disappear from my face as I stared blankly at her for a second.

"You're kidding." I blurted, feeling laughter bubble up in my chest. For a second, Dr. Dunstan looked worried, but the second I began laughing, she grinned again. "Oh my God, Luke is going to flip when I tell him that." I giggled, covering my mouth with a hand in an attempt to stifle the laughs that threatened to take over once more.

October? Of all months, my due date just had to be goddamned October. Dr. Dunstan flipped the page on her clipboard, speaking once more. This time, though, her words didn't make me laugh. Quite the opposite, actually.

"Your bloodwork came back as well. Everything looks fine, but your hormone levels are a bit higher than I expected for a woman 7 weeks pregnant." She began. "We don't have an ultrasound room available tonight, but I think we need to start preparing for the possibility of twins. So I've written down a brand of prenatal-"

"Twins?" I squeaked out, interrupting her. Holy shit. I wasn't even sure how to go about processing that information. I'd barely just wrapped my head around the fact that I was having one kid, and now I had to think about possibly having two? What in the actual- How- Twins? Dr. Dunstan gave me a gentle smile, nodding.

"It's a possibility." She replied. I shook my head slightly, disbelief still running through my veins.

For the sake of my sanity, I sure as hell hoped not.


Woo! Another chapter! So. About the October due date thing. That was not, in fact, planned. The music festival I had Dae and Luke going to the night they did the deed takes place in late January. Did some calculating as I planned the rest of the book, and BAM. October Due date. There wasn't any getting around it either. I about died of laughter when I did the math. Figures the baby would be due in October, hm? 

Anyways, I hope you all are having a good start to your holiday season! I know I am! Love you to bits and I will see you all next chapter!!!

Dreamer // l.h. // Book 3 of Bully Series [[DISCONTINUED]]Where stories live. Discover now