1. Ours

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"You're going to be a dad."

The silence that filled the room after I spoke was almost as deafening as it would have been were Luke to begin shouting. Instead, though, he stayed completely frozen to the spot, the pregnancy test clutched tightly in his hand. I watched him like a hawk, trying to pick up any sign about how this news was affecting him. I got nothing.

"Luke-" My words were cut off when I suddenly found myself being wrapped up in Luke's arms tightly. I could hear his heartbeat through the dark tee shirt he was wearing, the rhythm faster than even mine was. His chin rested atop my head as he held onto me, saying nothing as we simply stood there. Suddenly Luke pushed away from me, a smile on his face.

"You haven't told anyone else yet, have you?" He asked. I shook my head, glancing at the test on the counter.

"No, I took the test only like ten minutes before I asked you to come over." I answered. There was still some nervousness in my voice as I spoke. I mean, it wasn't like I really could do anything about it now, but part of me was still worried Luke would blow up on me. Even now, after he hugged me, I was waiting for the shouting.

"Hey, don't look so scared, Dae." Luke's voice took on a gentler tone as he reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I frowned, dropping my gaze to the floor. Suddenly it was as if the reality of my situation had come crashing over me.

I was going to have a child. I would be a mother, having to take care of another human being. I'd be responsible for teaching this kid how to walk, talk, have manners, and even more. How would I continue to work and care for the child at the same time? Luke had a tour coming up soon, and surely there would be more after that. What then? What if we broke up and we had to split custody? How would that affect the kid? I know it sucked watching my own parents' marriage fall apart, so I could only imagine it being the same for anyone else. And speaking of marriage; Luke and I weren't even married, so what about the last name? Hemmings? Or Larksen? What about Larksen-Hemmings. Holy shit, that would be a crappy name to have to write on everything-

"Daeyna, look at me." Luke's voice cut through the thoughts whizzing about in my head, ceasing them entirely. For a moment, I thought of nothing, then I looked up at him. I could feel my hands shaking as Luke grabbed a hold of them gently, bringing them to his lips. "You are going to be a wonderful mum, okay?" He assured me firmly. "And I'm going to be right here, okay?" I nodded slowly.

"You're not mad at me?" My voice came out a lot thinner than I anticipated, but Luke simply laughed at the words.

"Mad?" He chuckled. "Dae, you do realize I'm the one who provided the shitty condom that clearly didn't do what it was supposed to do, right?" I couldn't help the smile that found its way on to my lips at his comment. He was right, after all.

"We're like a walking poster for all the things that can go wrong in a relationship, aren't we?" I giggled. Luke grinned, though his expression turned serious shortly after.

"I don't know if I'd necessarily call this one something that's gone wrong, but yeah. We're practically the definition of 'holy shit, what just happened' moments." He pulled me into another hug, rocking the two of us back and forth as he spoke again. "But we're probably the strongest couple I know of, too, so there's that." He added. I nodded into his chest, smiling.

That was true, too.

"So, what do you want it to be?" I asked, suddenly feeling excited about the pregnancy. Talk about mood swings. Luke lifted an eyebrow as I pulled away from the hug, clearly catching on to the drastic change in attitude as well.

"I kind of would like a boy." He said after a few moments of pondering. "Because then I can teach him how to be a rockstar just like his dad." I laughed, shaking my head.

"Girls can be rockers too, you know." I pointed out. "And they have cuter clothes to buy. But I want a boy too. He could be the protective older brother, you know?" Luke's eyebrows shot up at that.

"Older brother?" He questioned. I felt my cheeks heat up in a blush.

"Well, I mean, yeah. But he can't be the protective older brother unless he's like three or four years older at least. Gotta scare those icky boys away from his little sister." I mused. Luke laughed.

"Well, how about we focus on the one in there before planning for more in the future." He suggested lightly, poking at my stomach. I nodded, looking down at where he poked me.

"Actually, I would like to focus on everyone else." I said, feeling my mood deflate ever so slightly. I looked back up at Luke, frowning. "How is the world going to react? I mean, your fans- they're so protective, and what about the media? We're not married, and we've only been dating for-" Luke cut me off, placing his hand over my mouth.

"How about this?" He started, a determined look in his eye as he continued to speak. "How about we not give a fuck what the world thinks because it's not their damn business?" His face softened before he spoke again. "This kid is ours, Dae. Not theirs. All that matters is what we think and want. Not what opinions they have about it."


SO. I know I was going to post this on my birthday, BUT.

I just got offered a full time job at my store as the head of the Men's department, and with school coming up in the fall, I really want to see if I can't get a lot of this out there before my life becomes busy as hell. 'Cause you all know that I suck at posting regular updates when I have nothing going on, let alone when I'm drowning in things to do.

SO, without further ado, here is the first (very short, sorry!) chapter of the third and FINAL book in the Bully series!

I really hope you enjoy; I have so many plans!!!!!

Oh, and on a completely different note, I'm probably going to go through and edit Bully and Forgiven a bit as I write. There are a lot of discrepancies in the story and plot that I want to fix as they are bugging me (and I'm tired of hearing about them tbh). So yeah, enjoy! Prepare for an emotional journey!!!

Love you to bits!!!!!! =))

Dreamer // l.h. // Book 3 of Bully Series [[DISCONTINUED]]Where stories live. Discover now