Chapter 3

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Rayna’s POV

I turn my head over to Georgia, and see that her yellow aura is very faint. I was too busy staring at her aura; I barely noticed she was waking up.


“Georgia?! GEORGIA! You’re waking up, that’s fantastic!” I moved my leg off of hers, and tried to stand up, but it was hard considering that I was missing skin on my leg from when I kicked out the window.

“Don’t worry Georgia, I’ll go and find help for us, we’ll be ok.”

She just looked at me, so she was awake again, but for how long? What if something happens while I go and find help? What if she bleeds out and dies? But then again, if we don’t get help, it could get a lot worse…

“Georgia, you stay there, and keep your hands, um…” I look down to her hands. Oh yeah, her wrist is all messed up, she probably shouldn’t press anything too hard against it.

“… One hand on your leg, it’ll help stop the bleeding.”

She nodded her head at me. I hope she lasts. Ok, now time to find some help. I tried to stand up again, and after about a couple of painful seconds, I was up. I started to limp around, noting what my surroundings were. This was the first time I could actually stop and look around to see what’s happening. I could see our parents through the broken windshield. What would become of us now? I turn my head to the right and see the car that crashed into us engulfed in flames. Did it blow up or something? And why did it crash into us in the first place, this person who killed our parents? Maybe I should go check out his vehicle, to see if he’s still in there.

 I limp over towards his car and spot that the driver’s door is open, with a thick trail of blood leading to a body a couple metres away. I walk over to him (it was in fact, a guy) and I could instantly smell the alcohol off of him. He was drunk driving? My parents were killed, because of a drunk driver? Well this is fan-fucking-tastic. I could see something sticking out of his stomach, so that’s probably where the bleeding was coming from. It makes sense why he bled so much too, the alcohol thinned his blood.

I start limping some more down the road, getting colder and colder as I grew farther and farther away from the burning vehicle. It was very dark outside, and I was getting very tired and weak, and my body started to throb more. Am I going to pass out? I could start to see white around my vision. I turn around to see how far I have gotten. I could still faintly see the burning and my sisters’ body lying there. I look down to the ground and see that I left a little blood trickle from my walking.

Suddenly, I could see headlights coming up.  Yes, finally. I start to franticly wave my arms in the air, completely forgetting that my shoulder was shit. I crouch down to the ground in pain, but the crouching was too much on my leg, so I fall down. I see the bright headlights come up then pull over to the side of the road, along with a door opening and closing. I could hear footsteps come up to me, then stop. I look up and see a beautiful blonde with bright blue eyes crouching beside. Hey, he sort of looks like Seamus…

“Well it seems like you’re in a bit of trouble, now aren’t you?”

I try to say something, but no words can come out. Normally, people would be freaked out and start to panic when they see a bloody person on the side of the road, why is he so calm? He’s acting like this is an everyday thing for him!

“Oh, where are my manners! My name is Gabriel. Don’t worry, I’ll help you. You know, I can see a lot of black smoke from down the road. Is that where you came from?”

“My name’s Rayna, and Yes, that’s where I came from.”

My vision around my eyes was shading from white to a light grey, starting to get black. Is this what passing out felt like? With the different shading?

“My sister is back there too, and she’s bleeding out, I went to go and get help, but I guess I never got that far… but thankfully you’re here to help. Our parent are dead, I don’t want to lose my sister too.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your parents, but it will be ok Rayna, I’ll help you and your sister, just get in my vehicle and we can drive down the road to her and we can pick her up and get to the hospital.”

Get in a car with a person you just met? Normally, I wouldn’t, but I’m kind of desperate here. I look up to see Gabriel standing crouched in front of me with his hand sticking out, offering me help to get up. He looks so pale compared to the night sky getting darker with the minutes passing. I grab a hold of his hand and get up. As soon as our hands touched, I felt something inside of me burn from my back, as if something wanted to break. Did I hurt my back too, but I just didn’t realise it until now?

I stand fully up and instantly feel dizzy. Is my back causing this, what the fuck is happening to me? I try to take a trembling step forward, but end up tripping on my own feet, feeling completely tired and helpless.  As I start to lose consciousness, I feel myself being pulled into the lap of Gabriel, then the air move of him standing back up. Whatever happens next, is all up to Gabriel.

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