Catching Kes

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Me and my Charmander, Atlas, continue our walk to Viridian City. The path is dusty with the odd tree but mostly grassland on either side. Atlas is still happy about the apple he'd had and looked at me saying his name gleefully. Already he has grown on me but I haven't seen much battle potential yet, which worries me little.

We wonder further along the path until we see a strange shape bobbing its head up and down. Once again I point my Pokedex...

"Pidgey: The small bird Pokémon, it is usually timid and will usually flee rather than battle." Dexter says in his somewhat robotic voice. Using my four fingers I wipe the sweat from my brow then lock eyes with Atlas before we nod.

Atlas charges wildly knocking the Pidgey off its feet, he charges again but Pidgey quickly got to its feet and beat its wings a few times creating a powerful gust attack. Atlas is forced to shield his eyes from the dust spit up from the past but by the time it's cleared Pidgey is already too near to avoid its peck attack. Atlas gets up and stands firm, readying himself for another attack.

"Wait for it!" I command, Atlas is primed ready for the attack. "Now!" Just as Pidgey closes in Atlas jumps high in the air above Pidgey, he falls claw first striking it to the ground. The Pidgey was defeated. I threw my pokeball at it and hoped it would capture it. Success.

Soon me and Atlas reach the top of a tall hill, he's on my shoulder all tired out. I wake him up so he can see the view, Viridian City.

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