April 19, 1775

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I woke up bright and early to do my obligations in the farm and stables as well as the house. My family wasn't rich, but we also weren't hideously poor either. We lived a quite comfortable life, my mom was a house wife. She tended to all the affairs of the house, while of course my father was part of the local militia here in Lexington. My father was a strong man, the strongest man in the world and my mother, the most compassionate and sensible woman I have ever seen. My mother's name was Mary and my Father, Samuel. We didn't live lavishly, but we did live happily.
I've done my obligations of the house and stables and field. The sun now barely starting to rise and it seems lovely outside, but I have this feeling of dread hanging over my shoulder, like something isn't right. Suddenly I hear a musket round.

The shot was so loud, I felt as if the whole world could hear it.

Then more, a whole barrage of musket fire rang through the cold air. My mother ran out to the field to get me, she wailed "Come Benjamin get inside the house" I asked her in a frightened voice was was happening. Her only response was "War"

We ran into the house and locked all the entrances, suddenly we hear a knock. It was my mother's friend Catherine, she was practically an aunt to me and a sister to my mother. My mother with shaking hands and voice she asked "Is there any word on Samuel or the militia?." Catherine mortified by the seems replied with "there was a skirmish between the Devils and our militia men." I instantly thought of my father, but I reassured myself, through tear filled eyes and mucus filed nostrils, that he is the strongest man ever and no one can hurt him.

My mother said "we must ride to concord, my mother lives there. We will be safe there." We rode to concord not stopping for any reason, but going to concord was a terrible mistake...

Upon reaching concord there was musket fire, blood, and screams of the injured. My mother told me to find a place to hide. Then she got hit by a stray musket ball...

I wondered how can someone have so much blood in them. She yelled at me in a weak voice to hide. I looked for Catherine but in the skirmish we lost Catherine and I was alone.

I was running through the field marked and running with blood of both sides. I ran right into a door of what seemed to be shed, I opened the door and to my surprise there was a cannon and supplies in there.

I heard the yelling and saw the red coats of the devils. I quickly ran inside but I fell in some black power, it covered my face, neck, and arms.

I hid and the devils opened the door and threw cloth covered in flames next to the cannon.

As soon as they left I ran outside but caught my foot on the cannon. It hurt immensely, I think might've broken my leg.

I yelled as the fire grew bigger and hotter. I cried and cried for someone to save me. Then the powder on my face, neck, and hands caught fire.

I screamed as I felt my flesh melt. Then the door swings open. Catherine grabbed and pulled me from the flames. All I could think about through the pain was my mother. I asked her and she replied "she's alright my darling." But I could tell by her saddened expression, my mother was dead.

Catherine told me that she had family in Philadelphia and that that's where she was taking me...

Although I am on my way to Philadelphia, my soul will forever remain in Lexington. Only eight years on this earth, but I felt as if today spanned a lifetime...

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